Friday, October 10, 2014

That Doesn't Sit Well With Me

Peace and Blessings unto you in the name of our Lord and Saviour.

Over the last few days I begin to hear a popular phrase “That doesn’t sit well with me” in my spirit (‘I feel some type of way” fits as well). Many of us have used this phrase or at least heard someone else use it on multiple occasions. Holy Spirit really began to open this up to me from a spiritual standpoint. Often the Lord desires to free us or heal us from things holding us in bondage through His truth. However the problem comes in when His truth makes us uncomfortable or doesn’t please our flesh we tend to make one of these two statements “I feel some type of way/That doesn’t sit well with me.” God was very direct in telling us the requirement of freedom from bondage which is found in John 8:32 which reads “And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” Therefore if the truth is going to make you free then why are we wrestling with it or rejecting it because it challenges our mindset and lifestyle. You must understand when you wrestle with the truth then you allow satan to snatch away the truth that was sown unto you by revelation of the spirit of God (John 10:29). Rejection in the spiritual realm is  more costly than it is in the natural realm. In the natural no one likes to experience rejection and many times it goes on to mess up the confidence of a person who faces it constantly or simply can’t handle it. In the spiritual realm when we reject God’s truth we must understand we are putting our spiritual man in danger and give the enemy access to our lives via rejection. In John 12:48 Jesus warns us of the consequences of rejecting His word and the judgment that will fall upon those who don’t believe. It is God’s desire that we be freed of a lifestyle void of Him and live life more abundantly in Him. We are sanctified and freed by the truth of God’s word as stated in John 17:17. I encourage you, no matter how challenging it may be, to accept God’s truth about your life. He created us, and he holds a purpose for us all that we must fulfill.

Quote: You always have a decision to choose your truth or the Truth. Let your choice be that which produces life (Deut. 30:19).


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