Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Side Chick



Good Morning,


One of the popular things I see via facebook that needs to be exposed with truth is some woman taking pride in being the “Side Chick”. Many have allowed this type of lifestyle to misguide them for the sake materialism and etc. I’ve even seen many times the nerve to brag about it as if it was something to be proud of in their lives. Well let me expose you to the truth of it and the levels of God. Truth is this is a total lack of self-respect, self-esteem, greed, and totally being blind. Let’s examine the definition of the word mistress from a biblical and worldly standpoint. Mistress in the biblical sense was referred to as a woman that has power, authority, head of a household, and/or employs servants. Mistress in the world can be defined as a woman continuing extramarital sexual relationship with one man in return for an exclusive and continuing liaison, providing her with financial support. The first definition is something to be proud of because usually this referred to women whom were married and carried that authority within their household. If you read the story of Abraham (Abram) and Sarah (Sarai) you will notice the word mistress was used in reference to Sarai whom was the wife of Abram. Somehow the enemy has made this word acceptable in the form of the second meaning in today’s society. This is dangerous act to be a willing participant in this behavior. This brings so much bad karma into your life. For example Sarah despised Hagar when she found out that Hagar was with child for Abraham. However because of this act the child would be labeled as a wild man and though he was the son of Abraham it wasn’t until Issac (child of promise) was born that promise from God would be fulfilled. Ladies often your decision will affect your child and I’m sure you wouldn’t want your child to be an outsider so to speak because your actions? Let’s examine this thing from the point of a self-esteem perspective now.  I don’t know a woman alive who doesn’t want to be valued especially by her man. The fact that a woman can be so emotional less for material gain or whatever she gets out of the deal is heartbreaking. Your self-esteem has to be low even though you may not admit it in order to allow yourself to be used like that. In Proverbs 31:10-31 a virtuous woman is worth more than rubies and it continues to explain the ways of this woman. Virtuous means to conform to moral and ethical principles. This kind of woman is praised by her husband and is even more deserving of this praise because of her fear for the Lord. When you live this kind of life and value yourself this much then being someone’s mistress isn’t something to be proud of or even want for yourself as a woman. You must learn to identify the works of your flesh as stated in Matthew 5:19 and therefore being this is of the flesh it can’t be pleasing to God (see Romans8:8). If this act isn’t pleasing to God, then how can it be beneficial to you? Oh I get it you’re probably saying you get the things you want with no strings attached? Well what if some form of std is attached to you then what? In materialism at its best still does you no good because at some point you and this earth shall pass so this will not benefit your life or soul (see Mark 8:36). Ladies I say to you value yourself, your body, and want more out of life then materialism and someone’s temporary time. Love yourself enough to want and receive the best that God has promised you in this life. The word of God says a man who finds a wife finds a treasure and he receives favor from the Lord (Proverbs 18:22). Don’t be in the wrong place and involved as a “Side Chick” that you miss your rib to be the “Valued Praised Worthy Wife”. Thank God for his grace and mercy when we are making mistakes in our lives but we must correct them when we come into knowledge.


Quote: We have a responsibility to our women to help them understand their value. Women you have a responsibility to stop promoting this foolishness of the “Side Chick” to our young women coming up.





                      Twitter: @dtaylor0362


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For Sale



Good Morning,


This message is truly an inspirational one and just shows how amazing God truly is among us. I was instructed to sale my house and out of obedience I put up a for sale sign. Recently something amazing happen and brought forth great revelation. My phone rung one day and it was an older lady interested in buying my house. As I begin to answer her questions she told me that the price is out of her range. As she was about to hang up I said, “God Bless You”. This one statement shifted the whole conversation. She begins to tell me her story and things she had been through. From having her own car traded in without her knowledge, being evicted out of her house, and much more by her own son. She begins to praise God for where she was now in life and full of the spirit of God. You see at one time she was paralyzed from a stroke she had a few years ago. However she kept seeking God, praising him, and asking for healing. Well guess what happened our mighty God restored her health and in addition to that restored her life. As I prayed throughout the conversation asking God for guidance on what he wanted me to say to hear all I needed to do was just to listen. Afterwards God begin giving me great revelation. Our conversation started from a “ For Sale” sign but ultimately that sign was a display for her to know where I was so that God could do his work. God showed me our lives are displays to others and often signs for those who he has destined for us to encounter to draw those to him through us (Matthew 5:14). Often he will send someone our way to remind us of his power and so that we stay encourage on our journey (1 Corinthians 6:14). We have people we are assigned to but what if those people are being sent to look for us? How many times has someone driven around your block (passing you daily) and they were looking for your “For Sale” sign(display of our relationship with God)? God has put something powerful in each of us that someone else needs at some point in time in their lives. We serve each other as believers in Christ in many forms whether it be listening, clarification, understanding, motivation, and etc to bring them closer to God. In the process of giving this to each other it brings us closer because it allows God to pour into us helping to receive his revelation. These types of service display the love of God and his truth when we act accordingly. Every day God gives us evidence of his everlasting power, grace, and mercy of his works in each other lives. It was amazing for me to hear this story of restoration from this lady. God has given so many promises for us but we must be in position to live a true Christian life for him. His plans and preparation for exceeds anything you could ever imagine. How much longer do you want to go without knowing Him and experiencing the awesome life he has for you? If you have given your life to him then continue to do so and be discipline in letting your life match his word. I pray you stay encouraged and keep your eyes on Christ. Be sure to seek God continuously, seek his will for your life, and commit unto the Lord a whole and clean life because you never know who is looking for your “For Sale” sign.


Quote: Don’t delay others who are seeking you. Be in position to receive and give God’s truth and love.





                      Twitter: @dtaylor0362


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Phone: 951-262-2512

Sunday, December 1, 2013

The fantasy


Good Morning,


I pray all has been well with you and the grace of God has been upon your life. As I begin receiving revelation about this message it was inspired by what I was hearing and seeing on tv. This will hit home for the men but women will also be able to draw from it as well. I’m not writing this to condemn but to release insightful revelation and to expose the plan of the enemy. Now a days it’s most men fantasy to be sexually involved with multiple women at once. This is even promoted in music, commercials, television series, and movies. However the enemy (Satan) must be exposed for the craftiness of planting this seed of destruction in our lives. What many of us have to realize is that every time we engage in sexual activity a spiritual transfer takes place. In spiritual transfer you pick up things from that individual as well as the individual picking up things from you. In order for a woman to be willing to have sexual intercourse with another woman that involves a spirit of homosexuality. In return for the men who desire this type of intercourse you have now engaged in transfer of a homosexual spirit. Now how this spirit manifest within you may cause sexual thoughts of men or may even cause you to act at some point on these urges. Some may never have the thoughts are feelings but that doesn’t meant the spirit doesn’t exist. I’m just simply exposing the truth to our men especially this younger generation because this is being put on the doorstep for them. It’s something about this act that we feel need to do this to prove a level of manhood of some form but actually the enemy wants to release a spirit in our lives to provoke mistaken identity. When I say “Mistaken Identity” I mean becoming someone you weren’t created to be. God can’t get you into the person or place he wants you to spiritually or in life if you don’t know who you are and operating in the role in which you were created. Paul addressed this same behavior in the book of Romans. Romans 1:26-27 reads,” For even their women did change natural use into that which is against nature; And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust on toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet.” We must be careful what we receive in our lives and our temple (body).  We also must be aware of the enemy ways of manipulation and the many sources he may choose to use. Never take grace and mercy for granted because of these two God allows us time to come into a place of knowledge about these types of things. Once revelation has been released and insight has been given then application must be applied to our lives.  


Quote: Truth is the enemy is constantly planting seeds of destruction in our lives that seem like seeds of normality because it’s presented in various ways that we just accept it. No more accepting it’s time for exposure of the enemies plots.





                      Twitter: @dtaylor0362


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Phone: 951-262-2512



The Turnaround



I’m going to get straight into this message because I feel this is one that is going to break down some walls for someone. Over the last year you guys have read time after time where I emphasize the importance of trusting God. However many times we say we trust God but we are slow to act on his instructions and submitting a life of obedience. Please understand in order to fully trust God you must be willing to be obedient to his way of living and his instructions in our lives. When you feel the Holy Spirit within speaking within you and/or prompting you to do something those instructions must be followed. They aren’t up for debate or discussion because his work is a perfect work. You will never be able to fully understand the ways and thoughts of God because his thoughts are nothing like ours. Instead of be obedient we sometimes choose to ignore or procrastinate following God’s instructions which lands us in complicated situations. When we become stubborn or hard headed to the will of God he then have to allow distress in our lives and some of us won’t move until it happens. I’m talking about a type of distress defined as; a state of extreme necessity or misfortune and that which causes pain, suffering, trouble, danger, and etc…. Some things we endure are part of our process to mature us but others are just a lack of trust and obedience in God’s plan for our lives. God loves us so much and he is so full of grace and mercies that even that distress he works it out for our good with is self-inflicted or put of our growth process. In 2 Corinthians 7:10 reads,” Distress that drives us to God does that. It turns you around. It gets us back in the way of salvation. We never regret that kind of pain. But those who let distress drive them away from God are full of regrets; end up on a deathbed of regrets (Message Bible).” Your maturity in your faith and relationship with God has to be stronger than that with a more solid foundation. We shouldn’t allow distress in our lives in order to hear, listen, and move when we know God is speaking to us because it can work for us or against depending on how strong of a foundation you have with God. Our actions are displays of our belief as Christians but it is also our submission to relinquished control that we have given God in our lives. In order to allow God to move freely in your life and to take you to a life of peace and abundance requires your submission. Even when you may not fully understand something you’ve been instructed to do, your faith in God must activate your trust in God which releases your obedience to God which allows you not to lean on your own understanding. Stop holding yourself up in life and go get what God has prepared for you and follow the will of God.


Quote: Often distress will be used to turn many of us around but grow to a place of maturity in Christ that you don’t need distress to turn you around but just the voice of God.






                      Twitter: @dtaylor0362


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Email: teamsuccess@iamdrivenforsuccess.com