Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Real As It Gets

As Real As It Get

Good Evening,

I hope all have been well since the last time a message was released. This message is for my fellas even though I see some women saying this phrase or word, its most commonly used by young men of this generation. That phrase is “He’s Real”, or just “I’m Real”. There are other ways this phrase is used but we aren’t going to get into all of that you catch the drift by now. There’s nothing wrong with being real and being real with you, but the problem lies in what we call real. See many of us take a guy who may say a few cuss words in a song, illegal activity, running a few women and other personal extracurricular activity so we tag that as “Real”. We tend to hear a slick word play in a song or two and now all of a sudden because we think an individual has said something profound they become “Real” in our eyes. Sorry I hate to be the bearer of bad news to some of you, but you have been brainwashed again. The word real is defined as this; Real- actually existing as a thing or occurring in fact (adjectives associated with the word real are; genuine, actual). Now that we have that out the way and are on the same page about the meaning of the word real, then please tell me why so many of us tend to call certain things real. Fellas are you telling me that we have become that naïve that we can allow an illusion of a man to become what we look up to and strive to be. We have kids out here who have lost all hope with no positive male figures and no sense of direction. Most of them are doing everything but the right thing and aren’t progressing in life as they should because they want to fit the “Real” mold. We have sisters, daughters, nieces, and cousins that lack the father figures they need and didn’t receive the basic knowledge a man should give a girl to help here prepare for dating men and this world we live in. Then we have the audacity to look in the mirror and be proud at the fact we call ourselves “Real” when our world is slowly self destructing because we refuse to stand up and be men. Come on fellows I’m sorry I’m not that naive to even allow myself to be fooled into believing nonsense like that and you shouldn’t be either. It’s crazy the way our men think and it’s to the point that a jail record or getting shot is applauded, but did you stop to think that a jail record makes building a life for yourself and family difficult. The fact that a bullet hit someone wows you but did you stop and think if it hits the right spot there is no tomorrow. This act of violence just changed a life, a family, and could cause other acts of violence out of retaliation in the community. I’m telling you fellows you better open your eyes and stop being pigeons sitting there waiting and learn to be eagles and soar high and take care of your own. It’s time out for the playing and being men in the body while maintaining a boy’s mindset. All this power we possess to rise up and be men of purpose so that we change the future and impact today.

Quote: As a man you don’t have a mind that’s impressionable but you have a mind that produces the right impressions that are positive to elevate yourself and others. Start thinking like a man. ~d.taylor




Phone: 951-262-2512

Twitter: @dtaylor0362

Judge Me Not

Judge Me Not


Good evening,


Once again its time for another real talk message and this message isn’t directed towards any particular gender. The reason I decided to write this message I see it so much via facebook, twitter, and just people using it on a consistent basis. It seems the phrase maybe used out of context a little so here is a little insight for you. The phrase I’m referring to is “Don’t Judge Me” but lets be clear everything said isn’t always someone judging you but sometimes there is just truth in the message being delivered to you. Many of us use this phrase because we don’t want to hear the truth about what we may be doing or even to justify it in a sense. What you must realize is judging comes into play when someone is taking a situation or something you said and stamps that incident to who you are as a person. Now on the flip side someone coming to you and talking to you about something you did or said because it was a mistake doesn’t mean they are judging you. However the individual may be taking some time to share wisdom with you because they believe you are better then the mistake you made or what you said. Truth is none of us are perfect and we will make mistakes, but it’s just a growing experience for us. God does place people in our lives to help guide us and lift us up through conversation, but to get better you have acknowledge your mistake. This is usually where a lot of us become defensive and offended because we don’t want to acknowledge it. How can we say we are looking out for someone if we can’t go to them and offer insight because we want to see you do better? If you do have people around you condemning you for something then maybe you need to change your circle and put people around you who will help you become better and learn from your mistakes. If you know only God can judge you there is no need to express it because that’s between you and him. We begin to express things like this because our feathers get ruffled when we may have heard a slight truth in what was said to us, but we can’t digest it. Make sure you are honest with yourself because that’s the only way to be elevated into a higher mindset and a place of divine understanding. Again this goes back to always feeling like you have to prove yourself to someone and we you know God there’s no need to because his purpose and plan doesn’t change for you. Don’t go around using this as a cover up to uphold your wrong doings just to feel a little peace about yourself or the situation. Don’t be fooled though of us bring the things said to us because we are doing everything that lines up with earning that image or judgment as some of you may call it. So really it’s up to you and how you decide to play your cards, but make sure that your actions, thoughts, and words represent the right thing and the right you.



Quote: Don’t confuse the word judgment with constructive criticism because even when we don’t believe in ourselves there is always someone else who may realize our potential. ~d.taylor






Phone: 951-262-2512

Twitter: @dtaylor0362


Never Call You “B”

Never Call You “B”


Good Evening Ladies,


First of let me say this message wasn’t written to be disrespectful or anything negative towards women. It’s not meant to give any bad image toward the IAMDRIVENFORSUCCESS movement, but however it is a topic I think needs to be discussed. Ladies the one word that is sure to get you guys upset and even your man is the “B-word”. I agree no man should ever refer to a woman using this word, but in the same breath I don’t understand how so may of you call each other the “B-word”. What you ladies must understand is respect has no gender and the fact that you don’t want to be referred to as the “B-word” then it shouldn’t be ok to refer to each other as that either. I’m not saying if women call each other that then men should be able to say it. Again I don’t think its something a man should do either but you ladies have to also respect yourselves to. If your going to set a standard then do just that and the standard should be the “B-word” it’s not allowed period. How do you expect a man to take you serious if every time your with your girls that word is flying around the room like hot potato? You reference this word to each other with laughter and high fives as if it’s the best thing smoking. What happens when your daughter hears it? What happens when someone you don’t like uses it? These situations create an issue on the most violent level to the point of fighting. If the word wasn’t used and accepted from the start by either gender then it wouldn’t be an issue. It’s so commonly used now that even on t.v it’s not bleeped out they just let it flow. If you want it to be a high standard then let it be just that instead of bending it when you are around certain people or a certain gender. This one word has caused many cases of domestic violence in the home, but is accepted on in the world. As the old folks say that to wishy washy for me and there needs to be more pride and respect in the way our young women refer to each other.




Quote: The essence of a woman with substance can never be disrespected, downgraded, or compromised under no circumstance. A standard and consistent level of integrity and respect should always be maintained.






Phone: 951-262-2512

Twitter: @dtaylor0362


Friday, August 17, 2012



Good Evening,

In light of this year’s political race there seems to be a lot of concerns that have been raised concerning our government. First, let me start out by saying that everyone needs to get involved. With that being said don’t just talk about it, but be about it. Everyone that is able to vote needs to vote. There are some things that our government controls that we need to make sure that we have the right person in office to make sure that these jobs are getting done. People need to stop believing everything that they hear from gossip and research information for themselves. We as people have become so brainwashed that we have crippled ourselves because of the simple lack of knowledge. We have given power that is ours to an organization. We as people have become so dependent on our government to provide for us, secure us, or assist us with some type of governmental assistance. On top of that we have the nerves to get mad because this program isn’t helping this group or that group. The fact of the matter is that we control our own destiny.Don’t get mad at the way our society is from a political standpoint unless you get mad at yourself. Biblically speaking the government was never meant to run the people; we were supposed to regulate the government. The government only has the amount of power we decide to give them. But through the years we have somehow developed this helpless mentality “what are they doing for us?” that we have lost the sight on what we should be doing for ourselves. People it’s time to wake up and open your eyes time is running out as we speak. If we will do our part and come together as people then we wouldn’t need the government the government would need us. It only takes a few people to come together and start buying land, buildings, and etc… and support ourselves. We can farm to feed our own people who are having a hard time to reverse poverty if we can just stand on one accord. We can own our own businesses. Making sure that we do business with each other so that we make sure that money goes back into the community. With all of that being said, we need to align ourselves up with a purpose people and start thinking on a deeper level instead of at the surface. We are walking around here scared to death when we hold all the power and are just too blind to realize it. So the next time you decide to complain or whatever it is that you do, take a look in the mirror and ask yourself “What have I done?”

Quote: If you open your eyes and begin to think on a deeper level then you'll be able to see clearly the government isn’t the problem we just gave them our responsibilities to carry out instead of doing what we should for ourselves and holding them accountable for the things we want them to govern.  ~d.taylor



Phone: 951-262-2512

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Sister To Sister (You Got That Good Good)

Sister To Sister (You Got That Good Good)

Where is my bleep bleep husband at?

I thought I met mine a little while ago….and then….I woke up. Don’t make the same mistake I did….

So let me help out all my single ladies, all my single ladies (and men too). Are you still waiting patiently on“the one”? Have you met someone yet? Wait just a minute. Ignore those butterflies in your stomach for just a second and let me give you a few steps on how to do it the RIGHT way! The way I am about to describe may seem longer than usual but if you follow the instructions you will thank me later.

FRIENDS: First step you need to take with the person is just be their friend. So whatever you have already seen in your head whether it is the wedding cake or the 2 car garage; stop, press CTRL – ALT – DELETE! Control your thinking; alter your thoughts; and delete that fantasy out your head right now. You and that person need to take it slow and be JUST friends first. No friends with benefits. No matter how good your “stuff” may be if you give it up too soon it’s going to get old and then it’s on to the next one. You got that“good good” ??? Well there is someone not far with that finger lickin “great great” #BOOM Being just friends comes with so many other benefits. If he/she is a real friend then you should be able to call on this person if you just need a shoulder to lean on or even just a hug. You need someone to be your prayer partner? You wake up in the middle of the night and can’t sleep and you just need someone to talk to? That’s what friends are for.

DATING: Next step is dating. Dating only consists of hanging out from time to time. Going to dinner and a movie is a date. Just because you are dating this person doesn’t mean that you two are exclusive yet. The two of you just hang out and have fun. No sleepovers or staying over too late though. Everybody knows the only thing open after midnight other than IHOP is legs. Know what you can handle. Just enjoy each other’s company. Fun times and good laughs that will make the friendship stronger is what the dating process is for.

COURTSHIP: After you have gone out on a few dates something may be telling you that you want to take it a step further. Consult with God on this first because the flesh can tell you something different! If the Lord says it is okay then the next step after dating is Courtship. Courtin’ is what the old folks used to say. Now that you two are courting this means that you ARE in a relationship and have now become exclusive. This means that he/she is your boo now. So if you want to tag them in all of your Facebook pictures go ahead! But beware of the “Facebook thieves” —- those are the people that want to steal any type of happiness you have just because you go public with your relationship. Word of advice: STOP PUTTING ALL OF YOUR BUSINESS ON SOCIAL MEDIA SITES. Nobody really cares anyway. Blah! During the courtship stage you get to know the person even deeper STILL with all of your clothes on. “No ringy, no dingy”.

ENGAGEMENT: Next step engagement! If you have made it this far then somewhere during courtship you saw yourself with this person for the rest of your life. If you consulted God on this then during this step it is time to focus on premarital counseling. Never consider marrying a person until you truly get all up in their business. Premarital counseling is to let you know what you are REALLY getting yourself into. Yes during the engagement step you are supposed to be planning the wedding too but you don’t need to think about that until you have started counseling. Premarital counseling can sometimes save marriages before they even begin. You get to know more about the person and really get a glimpse into the future. During this step if you realize that marriage may not be the best option proceed back to step one and be just friends.

MARRIAGE: However, if you make it through the engagement process then the last step is marriage. If you make it to the alter God bless you. This is where I have to end because I can’t tell you a thing about marriage. I’m speaking to my single peeps. One thing I do know is that marriage takes a lot of commitment and prayer. But if you follow those steps I gave you IN ORDER then you should be on the right track. Take your time.

When that person is for you….they will be FOR YOU….and you will not have to convince them because they will know.




Phone: 951-262-2512 Ext. 84

Check out our new business partnership with our top remy weave hair products and much more. Any purchase you make will help us make a difference.

Groomed Up

Groomed Up


I know when I write this message I will be rubbing some elbows wrong but I have to be honest and truthful with you. I chose the titled called groomed up because it seems like in society today we have forgotten our appearance is a representation of us. What im referring to is the new trends of the grills and sagging pants. Then we you are victim of stereotyping then you are made at the world but yet and still your giving them the ammo. I keep saying this quit playing the game with the wrong rules and learn the real rules of life. This very thing just may be one of your stumbling blocks that are preventing your from the next level in life for yourself. Don’t be so naïve to thing it doesn’t matter because it makes all the difference in your life and the advancement of it. Fellows have you ever been in line somewhere and a young man is sagging with a old person behind him? How does that make you feel? What goes through my mind is that this individual may have been the very one marching for your rights and freedom but this generation lacks the respect to uphold themselves at a higher standard of respect. See this thing to still goes back to accountable and your ability to see and think on a deeper level. I understand the whole fashion and trendy look but at the same time why follow somebody else lead just to fit in with what everyone else is doing instead of being the one to stick to accountability and standard of dressing like a grown man. Your image is important regardless of how much you have or how little you have always take care of yourself and be presentable at all times because fact of the matter is you never know who may approach you or want to approach you which may be your chance to shed some light into someone else life. You also never know who may be watching you from potential employers to just someone who looks up to you. Ive heard a lot of guys say they don’t want there daughter to bring this and that home but you have to remember one thing what they see is what they will go find. You are the first man your daughter will be in love with so if you give her a lack of love, wrong image, and etc then you cant be mind when she brings it home to meet you. If your doing the right thing by her then she will bring the right thing home. Im not saying you have to dress like a square but I am saying God created you and in his creation there is nothing but greatness and those are covered in the finest. Stop letting tv and music videos influence the way you carry yourself and the trends you partake in because though these things may seem very little in impact they actually say more about you then your words sometimes. Remember most of what we say is nonverbal with that being said you better make sure your nonverbally language is on point. Fellows how much longer are we going to go before we get it right and stop living second place to the society we live in. We are men and need to start acting and carrying ourselves as such in all that we do. Lets do it right drop the grills and pull up the pants and give our women, mothers, and daughters something to marvel at instead of saying this is sad. You will be remember more by what you stood for then the foolishness you took part in.



Phone: 951-262-2512 Ext. 80

Check out our new business partnership with our top remy weave hair products and much more. Any purchase you make will help us make a difference.