Saturday, June 15, 2013

Preparation, Planning, and Execution

Good Evening,

It’s my pleasure to speak with you all once again. I tell you I do truly believe this message will be a breakthrough for a lot of you out there. As the New Year began our IAMDRIVENFORSUCCESS group was in high anticipation for the things that would be happening this year. I must say so far it has been wide open but the reason for this message is the process of preparation, planning, and executing. Have you ever had an idea, dream, or goal you set for yourself? Were you ready to get started and accomplish it?  I have ideas from both positive events to business ideas but as I prayed I found myself wondering if I was sitting still too long. When was the green light to go going to come? God answered me and said, “When you see me moving then it’s time for you to move”. Before any movement can take place you have to make sure you’ve endured the process in the correct way. Never plan to prepare if that makes sense to you. What I’m saying is always have be in a state of preparation because this exemplifies that you’re expecting something and ready to receive it. The next stage is planning which we often plan in our efforts to prepare. Now that I’m a little wiser in my ways I’ve realized that my state of planning is to execute. When planning is on the table execution should be taking place shortly after. The plan is God’s will anyway (Psalms 37:23) so your only obligation to planning is to execute. Once you have completed these two steps then the last one is very easy and that is execution. Execution does have some factors that are meaningful such as time, place, and most importantly the right time to execute your mission. Just remember God’s order and will is always superior but carrying the correct process is upon us.

Quote: The best thing you can ever do to succeed is to always be prepared to be successful. ~d.taylor


Phone: 951-262-2512 

Saturday, June 8, 2013



Good Evening,


It’s my pleasure to speak with you again this week. Life has been very busy lately so I had to make the time to write this message to you. However, as always, I promise to leave you with something to think about in this message!! Let me start by asking you a question, when was the last time you invested in yourself in a positive way? I don’t mean as in purchasing something that makes you look good or feel better personally, but when have you invested in putting yourself in an environment to help you grow as a person. What we must begin to understand is the where we invest our time will dictate our arrival time. Arrival Time? Yes, your arrival time to your purpose in life and reaching your destiny. So many times we are quick to go hit the club, local party, and spend time engaging in activities that aren’t productive to developing who we are as individuals. The truth is making this investment is the most important thing you will ever do. There is no way you can receive or embrace who you are and what God has in store for you without spending the necessary time developing yourself. In order to advance in this life it’s crucial that you find the proper teachings to elevate your understanding of life. Your understanding along with application is directly proportional to propelling yourself in to the life you were destined to live. There are certain people in life you are meant to cross paths with just for the knowledge God has given them to share with you. However, if you fail never show up for the session because you’re too busy entertaining other things in life then if you never advance it’s your own fault. We don’t have time to play around in this day and age because everyday decision releases either advancement or delay. Which are you experiencing in your life at this point? Class is already in session and your education (God’s Teachings) is required so are you willing to sacrifice it for worldly satisfaction? I remember hearing my pastor say, “You can only flourish where God assigned you to be!” The question is, are you sinking, swimming, or flourishing? Only you can answer that question but whatever your answer may be just know that a skilled is required to become an asset.



Quote: Your investment in yourself releases your advancement to your destiny. ~d.taylor






Phone: 951-262-2512