Friday, September 28, 2012




Good Evening,


I was very hesitant to write this message, however I felt it was something that needed to be exposed. First off I hope you don’t take offense to this message and I understand the topic and context of the message. Let me ask you a question, Do you find yourself being a person of trends? I think we lose a lot of our peers and especially the younger generation to trends. Everyone is so caught up in what’s the hot thing right now or the newest trend which ultimately leads to a permanent distraction in your life. I’m not referring to fashion trends, but even those are some we need to be careful with as well. For example partaking in drugs, the girl on girl action, and etc these seem to be things that are viewed more as cool nowadays in our society. It’s in every thing we see in main stream media and even the music we listen to. I can totally see how unconsciously someone could get caught up in these trends or any trend for that matter. We have to be smarter then the average person and separate ourselves from what everyone else is doing. The fact that you may need to pull away doesn’t make you weak or lame, but it just means you care and want more out of your life. Trends are things that are very temporary and of the moment so why would you want to tie yourself or your identity to something temporary?! No matter what’s hot in society your mindset has to be strong enough to know what, when, and how to tie yourself into certain things. Truth of the matter is some trends can lead you down a path that may seem innocent and fun at the moment. However that very same trend will turn out to be a path that causes you to lose very valuable time in your life. Time is precious because it’s something you can’t get back once it’s gone nor do you know how much of it you have. In order to go down the path you desire and be successful like you desire then you have to know that only permanent things can be allowed in your life. I don’t know anyone who wants to always lean on temporary(trends) over and over again. This behavior gets you absolutely no where, but creates an identity in which you continuously look for approval from others. When you start seeking that kind of approval then you’re headed in a wasteful direction. The next time you find yourself tempted to engage in the latest trend, stop and ask yourself is this temporary thing worth my precious time and energy?!


Quote: No matter what the trend is you must remind smart because every thing you do and every step you take needs to be like concrete with every step.








Good Evening,


It’s amazing how God works sometimes. His ability to orchestrate a conversation in which it lead me to write this powerful message to you. Every message that I’ve written has come from a thought or conversation, but what makes the message legitimate is the shift in my spirit I get when putting the context of the message together. Tonight I wanted to talk with you about Victory. One of our members and a close friend of mine who goes by the name of Christopher “Cash” Washington always say, “Distraction is Distortion”. The context of quote is simple, but the impact of it is amazing. We spend so much time looking back at the past or remembering horrific events that happened in our own or others lives, However what we fail to realize is how that plays into the enemy’s hand. We must realize when an obstacle has been overcome then there is no need to hold on to the struggle, but embrace the victory. Once you embrace the victory then it allows God to give you clarity. This clarity leads to the elevation of your life and individual wisdom. The process doesn’t stop there because you have only begun the journey of exhalation. In order to reach this pinnacle in your life, its simple the wisdom you have gained must be applied to your daily life.  Now you become a vessel of purpose and this will create a dynamic so powerful that anyone who crosses your path will be touched by your presence. The mind is such a vital organ to your physical and spiritual enhancement in life. You have to understand that you can’t allow it to stay in one place to long. When this happens you begin to entertain thoughts that may jeopardize to unnecessary exposure. We all know that everything with God happens in time. If you’re at a stand still mentally then you delay your destiny as well as those in which you were meant to help to start their journey. Don’t sell yourself short instead stand on the victory and move forward.


Quote: Your victory opened the door for my victory because both victories were needed to help us reach our individual destiny. ~d.taylor





Sunday, September 2, 2012

To You: From Me

To You: From Me


Good Afternoon Ladies,


There was a mixture of reasons I decided to write this message to you. The main reason was having a conversation with a young woman and I was able to share some valuable insight with her. This one is for you single mothers whether it be by divorce or those of you just have a kid(s). Through multiple conversations ladies what I noticed is many of you are awesome women, but some haven’t gotten the man of their dreams. Many of you feel this way because of the fact you have a kid(s). Well I’d like to take some time and shed some light on that situation for you. Ladies first off understand it takes a good man to step in and be the man he needs to be for a ready made family. Yes some guys will pretend they are cool with it just to get next to you and fulfill the true motive if you catch my drift. However that’s not the kind of man you need or should want when it comes to this particular situation involving a kid(s). Many of you just settle because you feel like well this is the best you can hope for, but you can’t have that attitude. What you must understand is this is a serious situation and a lot of variables will play into this situation. Let’s talk about the man you need versus the man you want? The man you need will understand that this situation is two-fold type of deal. You may be asking yourself what is he talking about right? Well what I’m saying is this man will understand that he not only has to fulfill you as a woman, but he also has to fulfill the needs of that kid(s). Each relationship in his eyes will be that of individuality which requires separate time and affection to build a solid foundation that’s essential for everyone in that situation. His outlook should be that of how he can make a positive impact on the kid(s) life so that he can be an example to the kid(s) to help ensure their success. He should be a man who can stand and be the head of the house in which the kid(s) understand the rules of the house. He will also be the kind of man who supports you and your kid(s) dreams in every possible way. You only reach the feeling of a family when everyone is growing to be better as a unit and accomplishing things. He should lead the family in assuring Christ is present in the home and church is a cornerstone of life. We are losing too many kids to the streets because there is no accountability in the home. The bible says train a child up in the way he or she should go, but if you don’t train them how will they know. A mother and father is the first love for a child of the opposite sex so it’s essential to project the right message and example. Now on the flip side it’s going to take a Real Woman to allow this kind of man in her life. You can’t have your mind on let me see what I can get out of him, he is just someone of many who takes pressure off me, or any of those crazy kind of thoughts. Never should the phrase you aren’t their dad come across your lips if this man is doing all of the above that I mentioned. Truth is love is produced from a respect, trust is produced from respect, and family is kept together from the many fruit that respect produces. Ladies a Ready-Made family is an immediate situation for any guy no matter how great he is, but some will rise to the challenge based off their feelings for the woman. You must at all times respect yourself and keep a high level of respect and accountability on yourself to attract the right kind of man. If you meet a good guy and he decides not to take that responsibility don’t get upset it just means it could be a little overwhelming for him and he is entitled to that. You just have to stay focused and make a decision not to settle for anything less because some guy will come along. If he sees your worth that you have placed on yourself then he just may take you up on a chance at a relationship. You deserve a great man just as the woman with no kids and in some cases you deserve it more then they do. Just be patient, prayerful, mature and expect the gift of a great man who completes the “FAMILY”.



Quote: Most of our issues in today’s society stem from the lack of building a good home for our kid(s). We have failed to instill the essential personal attributes that will enable a kid(s) to go out and be great decision makers. We fail them through a lack of examples and lack of firm foundation. ~d.taylor





Phone: 951-262-2512 Ext. 80

Twitter: @dtaylor0362