Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Before I get into this message for the week I would like to start off by saying thanks for supporting us as we try to make a difference. These newsletters aren’t to down you as an individual but to expand your mind and thought process of decisions you make on a daily basis. Each and every decision will affect your life and those around you as well. I’m no saint myself but I hoping someone else can learn from my mistakes as well as get some insight from my prospective on things.
This week I would like to talk about perception. We often tend to confuse perception with reality but truth is perception isn’t always reality unless the one seeing it is clear in mind. However in order to achieve anything in life we my must have a clear picture of who we are trying to be, what we want to accomplish, and our perception of life must be in focus. The hardest part for us as men sometimes is looking in the mirror and dissecting ourselves. Once you begin to do that it makes everything else so much clear. You begin to question yourself and lifestyle which begins to give you a better perception of things. We have a lot of images through  tv, radio, celebrities, and etc that give us the false perception of who we should be and what we should be doing. This week I want to challenge you before we go any further in depth. You have to understand the people you associate with, the daily routine you have, and the wisdom u lack play a vital role in where you will end up. If you want to be wise then you must surround yourself with such people. If you want to be financial in a better position then you must surround yourself with that kind of information. Most importantly you must know god and discover who you are inside. I read a quote once that stated, ‘’an unexamined life is a life not worth living.” This is such a powerful statement because life is nothing with purpose. Have you found your purpose? Do you want to fulfill your destiny? We are crippling our culture and society with a lack of knowledge and for those who do have it there is a lack of passing it on. One of the most negative perceptions we tend to accept is this balling perception. What is the point of it? The bible says it’s not good for a man to boast like your works speak for itself. Now we have young kids chasing this lifestyle only to lose themselves and never know what they truly could become. We must learn to be strategic in our ways of putting out the right message and not only that but if you  have made it the right way then share that knowledge with someone else who is trying to get there. Another example would be at the way our women look at us today. The average woman has no idea what a man is, his role, and how he should love and respect her. This is a sad thing because now it forces the m to value themselves less and accept anything from the man in their life who they think loves and respect them. You maybe thinking it’s not my daughter or problem but what if it’s your niece, cousin, or friend. Truth of matter is it’s an issue and we need to fix this perception.  Here are a few questions to ask yourself?
Does my lifestyle reflect positivity?
Am I the man I should be based off biblical standards?
Do I have an example of the kind of man I’m striving to be in my life?
Do my friends want to see me do better and expect that of me?
Is there anyone in my life who will hold me accountable for my actions and are willing to help me see my mistake and not bash me for making a mistake?
Do I live in a way that I could be an example of what a man should be?
Am I content with where I am in life and as a person or do I seek growth?

This is just a few questions you need to ask yourself!!

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There is a letter for men and women if you would like to receive both please say so in the comment box on the website.

QUOTE: In any weather, at any hour of the day or night, I have been anxious to improve the nick of time, and notch it on my stick too; to stand on the meeting of two eternities, the past and the future, which is precisely the present moment; to toe that line.