Monday, December 19, 2011

Closed doors

I was sitting here deep in thought and I was moved to send out a bonus message that would be relatable to both genders. Sometimes we go through the craziest things in life and at the time it seems as if all hope is gone. We have all been there whether you admit it or not life test us all sometimes. As this year begins to dwindle down to its last days of the year make sure you close the door on some things that happen in 2011. When I say close doors I mean there are some people, situations, habits, and restraints that are holding you hostage and preventing to you from destiny. Please understand this starts in the mind and you making decision to change your situation and life for the better. A lot of times we blame everything around us for our failures or the fact we may feel stuck when actually if you would take time to change your prospective on the situation and learn the lesson that is provided in it then you begin to understand the purpose behind the situation. You have free will to accept the what happen and pray for peace about the situation then its up to you to decide to move on or stay in the self pity party. Stop being afraid of what you can become and become it so that you can receive all the promises that have been given to you. I know your probably thinking its hard or I don’t know how to move on but you do know how to just fall on your kness, close your eyes, and ask and ye shall receive. Lets close this year out right and over the next couple of weeks take the time to start closing doors. I sure did!

twitter: @dtaylor0362

Quote: On tops of mountains, as everywhere to hopeful souls, it is always morning.



This week I want to give you women some food for thought from a man’s prospective and I hope that you can digest it. Ladies I know we have a lot to do with the state of our women because of how we treat you guys but I have to be real with you it’s not all us. Ladies you have to learn to respect yourself more and not only that but have a standard to hold these guys to. It’s so crazy to see a woman who has the mindset of a man. I when I say a mindset of a man I men trying to get whatever that can out of a man and even willing to let a man place a price tag on you. I absolutely don’t understand why so many of you choose to take care of grown men and accept so many negative things from them. Ladies please start respecting yourself and you royalty as queen of the earth more than what you are doing in today’s society. Under no condition should you allow a man to belittle you, disrespect you, beat you, or even make you feel as if your some kind of option in there life. I totally admire the independent thing but that goes as far as providing for yourself and being able to handle business. Ladies you can’t continue to play this game of using men because it’s too dangerous and your worth is so much more than that.  Would you rather just be the chick they see from time to time or would you rather be the amazing wife who builds a life and legacy with the men in your life. Ladies until you change the way you allow men to approach you and your view of them and their purpose in your life then things will never change.  Make sure you know exactly what it takes for a man to be a man. Im going to let you in a secret the first trait lies in his ability to take responsibility for his actions and that he isn’t concerned about being a man the world’s way but in the way in which god designed him to be. Ladies you don’t have to dress less to impress a man let your demeanor and vibe capture his attention. Show your worth and that you aren’t willing to settle for less. Do you guys realize how a man is told to love a woman and what he must be willing to do to prove that? What man will be willing to do that for someone who doesn’t show value in herself. Ladies make sure you got your morals in tact and be confident in who you are not your looks or body figure. Be a woman of substance that can stand by her man and not just look good by his side. A man needs both things from our woman. It’s a great thing to see a woman stand by her mans side even when he may be at a low moment in his life but even then motivate him and not be his crutch. Ladies you have to be an example for younger women as well as you daughters. Don’t spread yourself among different men because truth is there is so much behind the scene things that happen spiritually when you do. Value your body and your life more then that. It bothers me to see so many women get hurt and can’t even accept a good man in their life because they are so used to the imposters of what a man is. Ladies different is good and a man that has purpose and can hold a conversation that is up to par doesn’t mean he is  boring or anything. What it does mean is that this individual knows who he is and what he wants out of life. You guys have to learn how to accept that and expect that out of men instead of all the other stuff you chose to deal with from a man. Ladies get away from the superficial things and the get it how you live attitude and being women of power and purpose.
Go out be successful in life and hold your own but be that woman who has an undeniable presence and so much value that one must elevate his game if it isn’t up to par because you will and shouldn’t settle for less. Make sure you are what you looking for and requiring.

Quote: I love to see a young girl go out and grab the world by the lapel. Life is hard. You’ve got to go out and kick butt.
Maya Angelou

twitter: @dtaylor0362

What Are You Doing- Men message week 3

Good Evening,

Men I hope you guys are having a wonderful holiday season and I pray that you have grown since our last message. This week I want to ask a question to you as man, “How do you succeed in life?” The truth is we all have dreams and goals that we want to accomplish. Some of us often don’t express these dreams and goals after we feel failure has shown it face. Here is the truth we all need to have a vision that we want to achieve. Habakkuk 2:2 BBE  says, “And the Lord gave me an answer, and said, Put the vision in writing and make it clear on stones, so that the reader may go quickly.” As men today we aren’t teaching younger men to do this and providing them proper guidance to reaching their goals. This means most of us spend the majority of our younger adult lives actually trying to find who we are and what we want to accomplish but life has thrown all kinds of trials and tribulations at us which strangles our vision during this time frame. Fellows we have to do better because its been so many times I’ve seen young guys who have wasted their potential due to a lack of guidance and the fact no one has ever taken the time to ask  them what their goals are in life. We have to have a momentum shift in changing this epidemic in which we are losing so many young men to foolishness. In order for us to change this we must first learn that in order to achieve anything guys you have to know what your god given gift is as an individual. See I sat and thought about this on a deeper level and realized that if I would just use the gift I’m given while working in the purpose of my gift then everything else I desire comes with that. Fellows we have to not only teach this but we have to exercise this in our on lives. We are kings among kings but yet we act as men of fear, insecurity, no self identity, reckless living, and etc. That’s enough with the nonsense lets take back what is ours and lead our generation and generations to come. The truth is we are going to be held accountable for it anyway so why not do your part and save yourself and others as well. I always say I want to build a legacy so powerful that the world has to notice it. As men how about we all help each other and reconstruct the stereotype that is placed on us and build a dynasty together.

Myth Buster: I want to address this saying because it seems to be said a lot. The phrase goes a man will be a man. Yes this is true but there is only one standard of being a man and it’s biblical. Lets live up to that kind of man and stop using this phrase as a cover up fellows as I said before take responsibility for your actions.

Quote: Wherever a man goes, men will pursue him and paw him with their dirty institutions, and, if they can, constrain him to belong to their desperate oddfellow society.

Twitter: @dtaylor0362

Friday, December 9, 2011



Good evening,

I hope with our last message that it challenged you in some ways as well as opened your eyes. I believe with every ounce of who I am that if you can make a person think then you open the door to change and if they are willing to change then purpose will be found and destiny fulfilled. I was having a conversation earlier this week about the youth and that they are lost in this particular town. Here is the truth guys we are responsible for the failure of the younger generation. How do you expect them to learn and live life the right way if we are drinking, smoking, partying and etc with them. The sad truth of the matter is some even give them the tools of destruction and worst of all by not saying anything to them we are condoning their behavior.  This is inspired me to choose this topic for the week and really address our mindset. Your mindset is so important it affects every part of who you are and what you attract in your life. As men today we have to stop teaching our youth to engage in reckless behavior.  In order to do this your mindset has to be in the right place. Ask yourself when was the last time you took the time to close your eyes and meditate on life itself? When was the last time you felt alive enough to want to make a difference in someone else life? Have your ever taken the time to see the world for what it is? Do you even notice that the youth do exactly what they see with no sense of guilt? Most importantly have you asked yourself am I living this life the right way and in such a way that god would be pleased? As men we possess everything we need to be whom and what we want to be. Our problem is we allow viscous cycles to attack ourselves as well as younger men. WE have to stop allowing these things to feast on us. We control our destiny and we are responsible for the generations to come. We need to let each other know as well as the young men know sleeping with a lot of women doesn’t make you a man, cheating on your wife doesn’t make you a man, partying and drinking until you passed out is pointless, being the player is pointless, looking for a woman to take care of you or allowing one to isn’t being a man, and so many more myths that we need to bust and be truthful about. I hate to see so many men waste their lives on foolishness who have all the potential in the world to be great. I had a good friend who was one of the most powerful speakers and smartest guys I’ve known but he chose the wrong path. Why? We can’t allow this anymore we have to step in and change our mindsets as well as theirs. We must become goal setters, financially savvy, seeking wisdom, positive examples in relationships and marriages, get away from these worldly standards, and anything else that is holding you in bondage preventing you from success. Let’s begin to encourage, teach, and as I have said before be accountable for your actions. Let’s stop beating each other up but instead say hey brother there is a better way to live your life and succeed. We don’t know how much time we have here on this earth and I sure would hate to know that I didn’t accomplish anything before my time was up. Develop a vision of the man you want to be and where you want your life to go but make sure you give back and guide others. Never let your brother make a mistake you could have helped him prevent. Our lives are meant to be testimonies and lessons we learn to help someone else. I was in church today and the pastor gave seven reasons that prevent us from receiving god’s best
1. No visions
2. Distractions
3. Excuses
4. Ignorance
5. Laziness
6. Fear
7. Lack of preparation

I listened to this song called I was here. Here are the lyrics below
I wanna leave my footprints on the sands of time Know there was something that, and something that I left behind When I leave this world, I'll leave no regrets Leave something to remember, so they won't forget
I was here I lived, I loved I was here I did, I've done, everything that I wanted And it was more than I thought it would be I will leave my mark so everyone will know I was here
I want to say I lived each day, until I die And know that I meant something in, somebody's life The hearts I have touched, will be the proof that I leave That I made a difference, and this world will see

Question of the week: What will your story be and what will you
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Monday, December 5, 2011

Whats your hold up? Ladies message week 2


Hello Ladies,

My name is Miranda. I am very pleased to have this opportunity to share my thoughts and
encouragement with you. I recently shared with my Facebook friends the importance of forgiveness
and how holding on to anger can hold us back. How our blessings that God has can’t be released to us
because we’re holding on to the resentment. I shared how I was holding on to anger, even to the point
of malice. I shared how a friend told me that holding on to resentment is like drinking the poison and
hoping the other person dies. That was truly the day I was awakened from the things that were blocking
my blessings. I began to allow God to free me from the resentment. My chains began to fall away. I
was no longer a prisoner to the stubbornness, unforgiving heart, resentment, and the binding anger
that blocked my blessings. I was able to see myself, but above all; I was able to see God. I was able to
pray again. I was able to ask, seek and knock, just as his word had instructed. I was able to praise again.
So I ask you today, “what’s your hold up?” What are you holding on to that is keeping you from what
God has for you? More importantly, can you truly be happy if you are making yourself a prisoner to
those things? What could you do if you let go of the chains of oppression, depression and repression? I
encourage you to examine yourself. Honestly look into your life and see what’s holding you back from
your success. If it’s not resentment, malice or anger; what is it? The only way to truly move forward and
become successful is to peel away the negative things that bind you. I’m sure we will speak again. I’m
certain you will have questions. Prayerfully, I am looking for to intimate discussions with each of you.
Allow God to free you. Allow him to become your strength. A scripture I like to meditate on is Ephesians
is say: Be ye kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s
sake hath forgiven you.

Hold his word in your heart and let him be your guide. You are the keeper of your own destiny.
God has allowed us free will. What will you do with yours? Until we speak again, be blessed.

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Quote: True friendship can afford true knowledge. It does not depend on darkness and ignorance.