Friday, September 28, 2012




Good Evening,


It’s amazing how God works sometimes. His ability to orchestrate a conversation in which it lead me to write this powerful message to you. Every message that I’ve written has come from a thought or conversation, but what makes the message legitimate is the shift in my spirit I get when putting the context of the message together. Tonight I wanted to talk with you about Victory. One of our members and a close friend of mine who goes by the name of Christopher “Cash” Washington always say, “Distraction is Distortion”. The context of quote is simple, but the impact of it is amazing. We spend so much time looking back at the past or remembering horrific events that happened in our own or others lives, However what we fail to realize is how that plays into the enemy’s hand. We must realize when an obstacle has been overcome then there is no need to hold on to the struggle, but embrace the victory. Once you embrace the victory then it allows God to give you clarity. This clarity leads to the elevation of your life and individual wisdom. The process doesn’t stop there because you have only begun the journey of exhalation. In order to reach this pinnacle in your life, its simple the wisdom you have gained must be applied to your daily life.  Now you become a vessel of purpose and this will create a dynamic so powerful that anyone who crosses your path will be touched by your presence. The mind is such a vital organ to your physical and spiritual enhancement in life. You have to understand that you can’t allow it to stay in one place to long. When this happens you begin to entertain thoughts that may jeopardize to unnecessary exposure. We all know that everything with God happens in time. If you’re at a stand still mentally then you delay your destiny as well as those in which you were meant to help to start their journey. Don’t sell yourself short instead stand on the victory and move forward.


Quote: Your victory opened the door for my victory because both victories were needed to help us reach our individual destiny. ~d.taylor





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