Sunday, April 15, 2012

Stay The Course

Stay The Course

Good Evening,

          I hope you all have had a productive week. This week I just wanted to have a heart to heart with you fellows. Sometimes we begin to make changes and begin down the right/positive path and the road seems so hard and long. You have those who don’t know you and those who do but seem to take shots at what you are doing. I’m sue we have all dealt with this but understand that this is what I like to call a “Gut Check.” Gut check is a measurement of how much you can take to obtain the success you desire and your commitment to that process. This will be the ‘IT’ moment in which you may feel like its you against the world and that’s good because in that intimate moment you will find assurance, motivation, identity, dependency, and most important a conversation with God. At this moment he will reveal things to you because you’re at a humble state of mind. I say to you continue to press forward for the success you desire in your life and personal growth. Your success can’t be measured by outsiders because they can’t understand and don’t have a clue as to what your ultimate goal will be. We so often allow ourselves to get in our on way by hesitating on decisions, doubting, or simply allowing the wrong people in our lives through conversations and your inner circle. You just made need to do an alt+clt+delete (meaning you alt to control who you delete and what you delete out of your life.)

Quote: Your commitment to becoming a better you shouldn’t be in others opinion or the satisfaction of others approval of what you are trying to become or do but it should only lie in the pure desire of finding you, being you, and fulfilling your destiny regardless. ~d.taylor

Twitter: @dtaylor0362

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