Monday, April 2, 2012

Miss Interpretation

Miss Interpretation

Hello Ladies,

It’s such a blessing to be in your presence again. I have a beautiful message I’d like to convey this week. I hope it makes you stop and think, just as it did me.

 I was tuned in to my Facebook page this past week. There was a young lady around thirty-seven, whose dilemma was that she wanted a good man in her life. So I thought it may be interesting enough to read through. I understood why she felt she had a problem, because to some degree I have felt the same. She had finished school and had double degrees. She’d played her cards right so to speak and as most of us would say, “had herself together.” She expressed how she’d gone to various avenues to meet someone, but none had any promise. She posed the question, “what could she do to fine what she wanted?” & “Why was the task so hard?” Again, I understood her dilemma. What I didn’t understand was all the negative and somewhat ignorant replies she received. She was basically told she should visit the clubs in her area, she just may not right kind of woman men seek, ant the one that ticked me the most was; she should dumb down in order to find a man.

Wow! What on earth are we trying to do to each other? First off ladies, you shouldn’t be looking for a man anyway. The bible itself says, whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD. Proverbs 18:22   This to me says, God has the right one for you if you just trust him. Also it leads me to believe that you should let men do their part and find you. Not that we need to be hunted or searched out but just because, how can he find you if you’re in all the wrong places looking for what you think he should be? Secondly, I don’t know of any successful marriages that began on the club scene. Maybe there are some, but I don’t know of any. If that’s the path you choose be careful what you get in return. I’m just saying. Lastly, why on earth would anyone suggest to this young lady that maybe she should “dumb down” just to find the right man? Ladies what does this say to our men? To me it says, well you’re smart and maybe they are intimidated by you. Yes, I see that this could happen, but if you have to change who you are just for someone to fall for you, then who did they just fall for? A perception? If you want the right man, no matter who you are; just be yourself. This also says to me that brothers aren’t smart enough to compete for an intelligent woman. That is outlandish! It’s degrading to the human race! There are many intelligent brothers out here who are in the same boat. They want to find the right woman too. That statement that she should “dumb down” is a thorn for all of us. It gives the notion that our men aren’t good enough for us. We have to stop this type of thinking. This is a horrible way to think. It says we have no confidence in our men. Give the brothers a chance. Iron sharpens Iron. The right brother can more than handle a strong woman. Set your goals high of course, but do not be high minded, arrogant, or vain.  James 4:10 says, Humble yourselves before the Lord; and he will lift you up.

I hope I have encouraged you today to be careful, and not let the world give you the wrong advice. Until next time, be blessed.

Quote: The right man will love all the things about you that the wrong man was intimidated by.


Feel free to contact me.

Look me up on Facebook under:  Miranda Jackson

1 comment:

  1. Well miranda this was really a great message and one thing that sticks out to me was the part you stated about saying her dumbing down shows the notion that men are good enough.. well it all goes back to accountability in this situation. What this young lady would have to understand is that if she wants that good man whose on her level then get her standards set in a reasonable way and hold whomever she meets accountable to reach them. If he cant then she needs to keep it moving but if he really wants her and feels her needs her then he will stay and already be on her level or really strive to get there.
