Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Most Feared Word

Good morning, I pray the Lord has blessed you and your household since my last message. I find it interesting that most people have a fear of accountability. Accountability says so much about who we are yet many us turn away from it, or we choose to be accountable when it’s beneficial for us. What you must understand that God has called you to be accountable in every area of your life (Luke 16:10). Accountability deals with your commitment, service, and maturity to display a high standard of responsibility of things God has placed in your care. Two specific areas that we must learn to be consciously accountable of are the things we say and do daily. Many times we are quick to justify things we have said to others, said via social media, and/or things we say out of anger in the moment. Well you must understand it was still something you chose to say so instead of justifying it be accountable for what you said because either way it has to produce something in your life. God’s way is for us to be wise in the things we say and repeat as well which is why he said be slow to speak, slow to be angry, and quick to listen (James 1:19). You have to understand that every word that proceeds out of your mouth produces something. Many things are happening in our lives as a result of things we have said (Mark 11:24, Proverbs 18:21). When we learn to be accountable for our words this eliminates a lot of things we deal with and then produces things in our lives that are of God. You will even find yourself more conscious of certain songs that you repeat the lyrics to because of that accountability. The next area we must be accountable in our actions in our homes, jobs, church, and everywhere we go because we are constantly representing God. Sometimes we do things intentionally and/or out of spite. We completely serving and helping to advance the kingdom of God in our local church assembly, on our jobs, and in our homes. Our lack of accountability reveals the lack of consistency to serve and to honor our word in things we have committed to do. Once you were saved then you committed to a life of serving to fulfill God’s agenda. God has liberated you but it wasn’t to live a life without accountability (Galatians 5:13). A life with no accountability really says that you don’t value time. Every moment of your life should account for something because you don’t know when it will end (Mark 13:32-33). Accountable actions/behaviors will produce something in your life when it’s for God. To be unaccountable is the work of the flesh that will lead to your destruction (Galatians 5:19-21, Galatians 6:7-8). Everything you do for God not only effects you but even your family because it produces wisdom to leave something in place for the next generation (Proverbs 13:22). Life will only become productive when you become accountable to God and to the standard of living he has placed on us to live.


Quote: The production of your life is a direct result of the willingness of your heart to be held accountable in all areas of your life.  d.taylor





                      Twitter: @dtaylor0362


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