Tuesday, February 11, 2014




Good Morning,


I pray blessing over your life and peace has been within you since my last message. Today I want to talk to you about your commitment to God. Many of us are committed to our jobs and other things we have to take care of. What is amazing is that many times we will arrange everything in our lives around our work schedules but what about when it comes to God’s work? We get so focused sometimes on our jobs that we forget our job isn’t our resource but God is the resource. Anyone who knows me also knows that my commitment to God is the most important thing to me. I recently had to make a decision with my very own work schedule being changed at the last minute it came down to work or God’s work for me. I choose to use vacation time to pursue God’s agenda because if we can plan things around our work schedule we should be willing to rearrange our schedules to do God’s will. We must be careful not allow our earthly commitments to intervene with our spiritual commitments. God desires to see your commitment to him and with that he will reward you according to 1 Samuel 12:24. God desires your time and talents as you serve him and I’m not saying to neglect your job duties but I am saying pursue God’s agenda first. We must understand our commitment to serve is always a priority even when it may be challenging we must whatever to be obedient to the Holy Spirit. If God desire is for you to be somewhere and you do the opposite then you have just missed God. Your mind will always have you considering what you have to take care of naturally first but the Holy Spirit will lead you into take care of God’s agenda first. We only prosper as our soul prospers according to 3 John 1:2. We must be serious about our commitment to God and honor him in doing so and never place anything above his work. He knows exactly what you need and when you need it. No matter how young or old we are we should always maintain a passion for serving God and fulfilling his agenda above all things. Once we truly begin to operate in this manner then we can be confident of what is stated in Psalms 37:25 and stand on it. Be diligent in your works for God and your commitment to God for you will be rewarded according to Proverbs 12:14. Don’t stop and be diligent in your works for God and you will be rewarded according to Proverbs 12:14. Never let anything be above God’s agenda in your life. Stand with boldness and confident of his ability to provide and lead into the things that are of his will for your life. I say to you today acknowledge God in all things and be passionate about your commitment for his plans is to give you an expected end.


Quote: Commitment keeps us accountable to the will of God for our lives. If there is no commitment then we become a danger to ourselves and leave ourselves vulnerable for the enemy.






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