Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Spiritual Observation


Good Morning,


It is my pleasure to speak with you all once in again. God has really been dealing with me on this message for quite some time now. As I studied the books of Mark, Luke, and John I begin to hear the word observation in my spirit. As Jesus went about his work teaching and healing there was always the presence of opposition sometimes from the crowd and always the presence of the Pharisees. I begin to notice how the spirit of Jesus watched the Pharisees and the crowd without directly watching them. God has truly blessed us when he made the Holy Spirit available for us. Holy Spirit allows us to observe and see things we normally would miss with our natural eyes. If we are to truly grow we must master the art of Spiritual Observation by allowing the Holy Spirit to reveal things to us. Often we are put in situations to observe instead of speaking. Holy Spirit will allow you to see what’s really going on behind the scenes of what your natural eyes may think we are seeing. As a believer and as you grow in faith this becomes essential to your daily living. You may ask yourself why? How? Once we open ourselves to embrace the full entity of the Holy Spirit and this begins to expose the plots of the enemy. It allows us to see true motives in situations, allows you to be proactive to prevent mistakes, instruct you to when to leave certain places or scenes, and most importantly you can really begin to see the manifestation of the works of God in your life. Sometimes in life we find ourselves in crowds or around people we need to remove ourselves from, but for some that may be difficult. However when spiritual observation is applied then it brings understanding to that individual in which you can now truly break away. If you noticed in the books I mentioned above Jesus always knew when to exit due to rowdy crowds, he knew exactly where the Pharisees were and their plans. Even with Paul as multiple plans and attempts were made to ambush him the Holy Spirit would always expose these plans in some sort of way. A spiritual observation doesn’t wait until you’re in a bad situation, but it warns you of the brewing of a storm before it start. Now some storms we have to endure because they are for the glory of God to show his power but even in those Holy Spirit will navigate you through it. Spiritual Observation is one of our greatest assets as a believer, but as things are revealed to you so be sure to pray about these things. Luke 21:36 says, “Be always on watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man.” I pray that you discover Gods will and purpose for your life. I pray a life of abundance to you and your family.



Quote: In order to see we must first observe but in order to gain clarity we must always spiritual observe. ~d.taylor






                      Twitter: @dtaylor0362


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