Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Idolized or Jeopardized

Idolized or Jeopardized

Good Evening Fellows,

Fellows do you ever just look out in the world as you ride in you car to your destination? Do you notice the same scenery among our youth and young men? What I’m saying is why is it that we idolized such negative images into the minds of our young men? We have totally lost them in this world today because all they want to be is the next gangster or popular d-boy. I’m sorry if that last sentence offended some but the truth is the truth so I have to keep it real with you. One of the most disturbing things I’ve noticed is the superior athletes that aren’t even in school or just wasted talent because we as men aren’t guiding them properly. Its one thing to be that kind of athlete but we also have to be in their ear about grades, behavior, and attitudes. We have become so detached from what we should be doing and submissive to what t.v says we are in this society. No one is taking the time to tell these young men and even some older men how they are jeopardizing their future, talent, and lives. I’ve never seen a time in life where you can’t separate what seems to be the right path from the wrong path. So many of us are only concerned with fitting in and being accepted that we actually rob ourselves or defer the blessings of what our lives could be if we took the proper road or listened to someone who may have been trying to shed wisdom into our lives to guide us to the proper path. Yes I do understand every man has to be his own man but don’t get it twisted the principles of manhood remain the same. We have to begin to shift the mindset of our generation and engage in the future identity of the generation to come. Let’s stop the process of idolization followed by jeopardizing the future but instead touch the lives of our men with rejuvenation and education for the purpose of a positive generation.

Quote: "Look at yourselves. Some of you teenagers, students. How do you think I feel and I belong to a generation ahead of you - how do you think I feel to have to tell you, 'We, my generation, sat around like a knot on a wall while the whole world was fighting for its human rights - and you've got to be born into a society where you still have that same fight.' What did we do, who preceded you ? I'll tell you what we did. Nothing. And don't you make the same mistake we made...." ~Malcom X



Twitter: @dtaylor0362

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