Monday, March 19, 2012

It's Your Life

It’s Your Life!

Hello Ladies,

Hope this reaches each of you in good health. Today I’d like to take the time to talk to you all about what I feel is an important issue. Simply put, I think we are dropping the ball as women. Yes, that’s right I said it. The future is looking bleak for us. We are failing to be the women we were meant to be. For example, there are basic issues we as women should handle. What’s wrong with taking care of your family, cooking and keeping everyone happy and healthy? As a woman, there is nothing wrong with handling our business. Our men can’t depend on us to stand beside them.  Yet we complain that they cheat, won’t pay the bills, keep the car running, cut the grass, look out for our well being and protect us. We wonder why life seemed to work out for grandma/grandpa, but it seems so tough for us. Yesterday’s women were not afraid to help their husband’s hold it down. I’m not saying take it back to the fifties so don’t get offended.

I see nothing wrong with having your man a hot meal when he wakes up or gets home. The same goes for taking care of the kids, and the house. If you work, then work together with your man. You are a team. Compromise with him, do whatever it takes to keep the drama out of your life. Put forth the effort to make your family work. You see, you have the power to make or break your family. I know you’re saying to yourself, I can’t handle it all, and I’m not the reason problems come up. No, I’m not saying if it breaks it’s your fault. Things happen that we do not understand. I am certain that if you do your part, everything will fall into place. Successful marriages work because both parties work at it together. They have each other’s backs, care for and complement each other.  If you have allowed God to choose your man, then I’m sure there are things he will most assuredly be willing to compromise about. Why not communicate with him just to see where you both can improve. You want change, become proactive. Handle your business. If he’s a real man, he will handle his.

I am definitely an independent woman, but you bet your bottom dollar that when God allows such a man in my life; he will understand and know his role and I will be more than happy to oblige, by handling mine. You want happiness? Start with yourself, and then teach it to your families. Remember what we teach our kids today will make their future families strong, or set them up for failure. Until next time, be blessed & hold it down for our futures.

A good life is when you assume nothing, do more, need less, smile often, dream big, laugh a lot and realize how blessed you are.

Miranda Jackson

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