Thursday, March 8, 2012

Duplicate vs Mimic ~ Men and Women Combined

Duplicate vs Mimic

just coming to the men and women that are in   tune too this page just a few words of encouragement a few weeks ago a page was posted about keeping it real and i realized that we don't know what real is and this is what hit me in my spirit" that we have too many young men and women duplicating the men and women in there lives, what am i saying ? that duplication is the problem it's OK to mimic but when you duplicate it is exactly the same as the original so let us really keep it real so we don't continue to do the same things ,because when i look at myself i see some things about me i don't like so why in the world would i want that to pass from me to my son and women why would you want that thing that you don't like about yourself to pass to your daughters so let us really keep it as real as possible" yes i heard the question ,what is wrong with me ? keep it real now, you and i both know we all need to change something" honestly some need change more than others so let's take a long look at ourselves and do just that "change, not so much for you or for me but for the next generation.  mimic: is a person who imitates mannerisms of others so when i allow my son to mimic mine good characteristics in addition to who he is then he has just became better than he would have been because he would be more mature at a younger age than i was ,so in doing this we stop the enemy in his tracks or at least he the enemy has lest room to work in his or her life so women and men let us be mindful of what we are doing and by doing this we all get better.                      we may be down but we are not out and if we LOVE ourselves and our children we all                       would attempt to do better for the betterment of future generations. if we don't be honest with ourselves then the strongholds continue to tightened so it's up to us to stop being selfish or self-centered and began too think of the little one that we are responsible for ,who the father is or who the mother is another story that doesn't change our responsible for a decision or choice we made so let us be the best mother or father we can be you might regret the decision of who it's by "but at least be thankful for the gift and go all out.

Doug Harris

Quote: Most of the luxuries and many of the so-called comforts of life are not only not indispensable, but positive hindrances to the elevation of mankind. Walden

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