Saturday, March 8, 2014


Good Morning,
 I see so many who are true men and women of God walking in their purpose defending themselves from their past because of others. I say to you true men and women of God because living for Christ is serious and nothing to play around with it. Honor him in your conversation, conduct, and presentation of yourself to others. Brothers and sisters I want to encourage you to continue in your works because it is genuine and authentic for the Lord. God has given us a standard to live by and expects us to do so. I see many of you doing that so there is no need to address someone bring up or talking about your past. We must not even allow our own carnal minds to subject us to think about the past for God has brought us out of that darkness into a marvelous light. When we come into the truth of God and truth of who were created to be then we must have a renewed mind and that brings forth a renewed lifestyle (Ephesians 4:32). Once you have experienced this newness there is no need to revisit the past in action or conversation. The only time we should really bring up the past is for the use of ministering to help someone else break strongholds within their lives from our experiences. What you must understand are many times people will bring up your past in efforts to discourage you but know it’s not them but satan pulling their strings. Some will even want to see you as they remember you before your journey with Christ begin so that they can be comfortable in their mess around you. Some merely bring up your past because they are still indulging in and they need to justify their own actions. Please don’t be bother by this because we all have a past and have fallen short according to Romans 3:23. However there is no excuse to have professed God as your savior and never change in mindset or lifestyle. The most effective part of your ministry comes through your actions so that is why it is important to walk in truth (John 4:24, Romans 14:16). You must understand we are justified by our faith and our works (James3:24). Once you have truly experienced Christ, conviction within yourself quickens within the spirit if you do the smallest thing that doesn’t bring honor to God. When you walk in spirit and truth as a believer you can handle correction because the Holy Spirit does it in a loving way in which we should also do towards each other as brother and sisters. There is no need to defend or argue so to speak when you know the truth and are walking in compliance with the word of God and the will of God for our life. The word of God says this is actually a waste of time to do such things with others (1 Timothy 6:4-5) and I believe it is a waste for us to do it within ourselves. You have given your life to God and walking in obedience to the Holy Spirit then rejoice in God and your present life. Stay focused and be encouraged in the Lord. Always remember that you have been redeemed with the blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot (1 Peter 1:18-19). Be encouraged to walk in truth, in obedience, and with honor for God embedded within your heart. This will eliminate the need or want to ever defend anything of your former self.
Quote: Nothing has to be said when you walk real with God and doing the work of God. This is not a game! ~ Christopher “Cash” Washington
                      Twitter: @dtaylor0362
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Women’s Conference (Virtue) – May 16,2014
Time: 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Place: Good Shepherd Baptist Church
           3530 Fosters Ferry Road
           Tuscaloosa, Al 35401
Men’s Conference (Humble Men Of God) – May 17,2014
Time: 9am to 11am
Place: Good Shepherd Baptist Church
           3530 Fosters Ferry Road
           Tuscaloosa, Al 35401

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