Sunday, December 1, 2013

The Turnaround



I’m going to get straight into this message because I feel this is one that is going to break down some walls for someone. Over the last year you guys have read time after time where I emphasize the importance of trusting God. However many times we say we trust God but we are slow to act on his instructions and submitting a life of obedience. Please understand in order to fully trust God you must be willing to be obedient to his way of living and his instructions in our lives. When you feel the Holy Spirit within speaking within you and/or prompting you to do something those instructions must be followed. They aren’t up for debate or discussion because his work is a perfect work. You will never be able to fully understand the ways and thoughts of God because his thoughts are nothing like ours. Instead of be obedient we sometimes choose to ignore or procrastinate following God’s instructions which lands us in complicated situations. When we become stubborn or hard headed to the will of God he then have to allow distress in our lives and some of us won’t move until it happens. I’m talking about a type of distress defined as; a state of extreme necessity or misfortune and that which causes pain, suffering, trouble, danger, and etc…. Some things we endure are part of our process to mature us but others are just a lack of trust and obedience in God’s plan for our lives. God loves us so much and he is so full of grace and mercies that even that distress he works it out for our good with is self-inflicted or put of our growth process. In 2 Corinthians 7:10 reads,” Distress that drives us to God does that. It turns you around. It gets us back in the way of salvation. We never regret that kind of pain. But those who let distress drive them away from God are full of regrets; end up on a deathbed of regrets (Message Bible).” Your maturity in your faith and relationship with God has to be stronger than that with a more solid foundation. We shouldn’t allow distress in our lives in order to hear, listen, and move when we know God is speaking to us because it can work for us or against depending on how strong of a foundation you have with God. Our actions are displays of our belief as Christians but it is also our submission to relinquished control that we have given God in our lives. In order to allow God to move freely in your life and to take you to a life of peace and abundance requires your submission. Even when you may not fully understand something you’ve been instructed to do, your faith in God must activate your trust in God which releases your obedience to God which allows you not to lean on your own understanding. Stop holding yourself up in life and go get what God has prepared for you and follow the will of God.


Quote: Often distress will be used to turn many of us around but grow to a place of maturity in Christ that you don’t need distress to turn you around but just the voice of God.






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