Sunday, December 1, 2013

The fantasy


Good Morning,


I pray all has been well with you and the grace of God has been upon your life. As I begin receiving revelation about this message it was inspired by what I was hearing and seeing on tv. This will hit home for the men but women will also be able to draw from it as well. I’m not writing this to condemn but to release insightful revelation and to expose the plan of the enemy. Now a days it’s most men fantasy to be sexually involved with multiple women at once. This is even promoted in music, commercials, television series, and movies. However the enemy (Satan) must be exposed for the craftiness of planting this seed of destruction in our lives. What many of us have to realize is that every time we engage in sexual activity a spiritual transfer takes place. In spiritual transfer you pick up things from that individual as well as the individual picking up things from you. In order for a woman to be willing to have sexual intercourse with another woman that involves a spirit of homosexuality. In return for the men who desire this type of intercourse you have now engaged in transfer of a homosexual spirit. Now how this spirit manifest within you may cause sexual thoughts of men or may even cause you to act at some point on these urges. Some may never have the thoughts are feelings but that doesn’t meant the spirit doesn’t exist. I’m just simply exposing the truth to our men especially this younger generation because this is being put on the doorstep for them. It’s something about this act that we feel need to do this to prove a level of manhood of some form but actually the enemy wants to release a spirit in our lives to provoke mistaken identity. When I say “Mistaken Identity” I mean becoming someone you weren’t created to be. God can’t get you into the person or place he wants you to spiritually or in life if you don’t know who you are and operating in the role in which you were created. Paul addressed this same behavior in the book of Romans. Romans 1:26-27 reads,” For even their women did change natural use into that which is against nature; And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust on toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet.” We must be careful what we receive in our lives and our temple (body).  We also must be aware of the enemy ways of manipulation and the many sources he may choose to use. Never take grace and mercy for granted because of these two God allows us time to come into a place of knowledge about these types of things. Once revelation has been released and insight has been given then application must be applied to our lives.  


Quote: Truth is the enemy is constantly planting seeds of destruction in our lives that seem like seeds of normality because it’s presented in various ways that we just accept it. No more accepting it’s time for exposure of the enemies plots.





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