Friday, August 17, 2012



Good Evening,

In light of this year’s political race there seems to be a lot of concerns that have been raised concerning our government. First, let me start out by saying that everyone needs to get involved. With that being said don’t just talk about it, but be about it. Everyone that is able to vote needs to vote. There are some things that our government controls that we need to make sure that we have the right person in office to make sure that these jobs are getting done. People need to stop believing everything that they hear from gossip and research information for themselves. We as people have become so brainwashed that we have crippled ourselves because of the simple lack of knowledge. We have given power that is ours to an organization. We as people have become so dependent on our government to provide for us, secure us, or assist us with some type of governmental assistance. On top of that we have the nerves to get mad because this program isn’t helping this group or that group. The fact of the matter is that we control our own destiny.Don’t get mad at the way our society is from a political standpoint unless you get mad at yourself. Biblically speaking the government was never meant to run the people; we were supposed to regulate the government. The government only has the amount of power we decide to give them. But through the years we have somehow developed this helpless mentality “what are they doing for us?” that we have lost the sight on what we should be doing for ourselves. People it’s time to wake up and open your eyes time is running out as we speak. If we will do our part and come together as people then we wouldn’t need the government the government would need us. It only takes a few people to come together and start buying land, buildings, and etc… and support ourselves. We can farm to feed our own people who are having a hard time to reverse poverty if we can just stand on one accord. We can own our own businesses. Making sure that we do business with each other so that we make sure that money goes back into the community. With all of that being said, we need to align ourselves up with a purpose people and start thinking on a deeper level instead of at the surface. We are walking around here scared to death when we hold all the power and are just too blind to realize it. So the next time you decide to complain or whatever it is that you do, take a look in the mirror and ask yourself “What have I done?”

Quote: If you open your eyes and begin to think on a deeper level then you'll be able to see clearly the government isn’t the problem we just gave them our responsibilities to carry out instead of doing what we should for ourselves and holding them accountable for the things we want them to govern.  ~d.taylor



Phone: 951-262-2512

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