Thursday, January 10, 2013




Good Evening,


I wanted to take some time and talk with you about relationships. I tell you this revelation I received has taken me to a new level as far as relationships are concerned. There are no doubts we all desire unconditional love, affection, and that mate we can depend on. In this present day and age it’s jaw dropping to see the high divorce rates and failed relationships in our society. We’ve all been to the point of maybe even wondering if something was wrong with us, because of our relationship failure. Here is a message that I pray will enlighten you on this very subject. When we meet someone we often follow our logical thoughts and what we may see. This isn’t a bad thing because you definitely want someone you are attracted to and who’s attracted to you as well.  However after meeting that individual the part we forget to acknowledge is the spirit. God said that what he has put together that no man can tear apart (Mark 10:9) and this is very true. The truth is anyone can say I Do, but what makes the scripture a reality is the understanding of spiritual bonding. The reason no man can tear apart what God brings together is because when you fully allow your spirit to connect with a person that bond can’t be broken. However it is a process that happens from the initial meeting of that person and continues as you get to know them. When spiritual bond takes place you will know it because it’s overwhelmingly satisfying for you and it begins to develop within the person you bonded with. The main thing is to enjoy beauty of it because at this point then you know that not only is this person for you but it was ordained. When God is leading then you begin to understand that your spirit doesn’t want to mix with something that isn’t good for it so spiritual bonding becomes necessary for you to involve yourself in anything. For those of you who may be reading and having that relationship monkey on your back then this message was written for you.



Relationships are essential to our lives but understand that the importance of spiritual bonding within a relationship is essential to the relationship. ~d.taylor



Phone: 951-262-2512

Twitter: @dtaylor0362

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