Monday, July 23, 2012

“I Love You”

“I Love You”

Good evening,

I posted a quote last week on facebook just a thought that came out of nowhere but here is what was said, “People have tainted the phrase "I Love You" so much that something that was of purity that a human can do has now become a routine thing to say. Educate yourself on love, what it does, what it feels like, and the act of it. Most importantly learn it form a biblical standard. ~d.taylor” This quote receive so many likes that I felt compelled to elaborate on why I said this very thing. Many of us have the routine type of speech when we meet someone and all is going well and it becomes I love you because he or she may be doing this or that. It seems many of us say it because he or she may have a certain level of materialism in which he or she may share with us. Then there is that woman or man who has this image that he or she may love. Let me slice this bread down the middle for you guys real quick. Love isnt something that is one of these simple things. Love is an action but it comes with an ultimate insight and sacrifice. Love is that one thing that you as a human can truly do and be real but many of us have become grammy nominated actors at love. Many of us say I love you and arent even willing to do the simplest thing to express or show that love. Question if you love someone wouldn’t you know the smallest things that mean the most to them? Question wouldn’t you also be willing to do those simple things? The truth is most of us that say I love you cant answer yes to those very simple questions. Here is a breakdown of the word love and I hope you carry it with you and it isnt my opinion but something from a biblical standard. Love at its greatest is the love that God laid down his life for you. So with that being said it was commanded that man love is woman like god loved the church. Meaning ladies a man should be willing to give his life for you, he should be committed to the relationship, faithful to you, supply you with spiritual and physical enlightment, and most importantly offer you protection, respect, honor, truth, and a life that is pleasing to elevate both of you as well as a potential family. Now on the flip side ladies you have your role to and that’s to be that backbone of that man and the home. To support, encourage(each other), to care for the home, and to provide the some of the very same things your man gives you (proverbs ).  See many of our women are approaching relationships with the attitude of what can I get out of him or how can he benefit me but theres no love wrapped around that ladies and if that’s what you are trying to build a life with someone on then you definetely wont make it for in any relationship. Fellows unless you are willing to give the things to a woman I mentioned above just to name a few then where is the love when you say I love you. Truthfully we have to begin to give what we are receiving, teach love my demonstrating it, and hold an accountability measuring stick to the standards of real love. The first time something doesn’t go your way or something isnt said to your liking then you love suddenly changes then it probably wasn’t real from the start. If you can stop loving someone at the drop of a hat then trust me your werent in love you just loved a mirage of something about that person or something they were doing just being real. Lets do better and get it together!!

Quote: People have tainted the phrase "I Love You" so much that something that was of purity that a human can do has now become a routine thing to say. Educate yourself on love, what it does, what it feels like, and the act of it. Most importantly learn it form a biblical standard. ~d.taylor



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Upcoming event: Womens seminar in september titled “Whats the makeup behind the makeup?”


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