Monday, July 23, 2012

Who Am I

Who Am I

Good evening,

I pose a question to you this evening and that question is, “ who are you?” Many of us don’t know who we are because we have allowed social media, entertainment, and anything else to develop us into who we have become. Everything about our society has influenced us in some way to become everything but who truly are and what we were truly created to do. Many of us are walking around trying to live up to some image and what is it all for? Is it for the attention? Is it to fit in with our peers? Is it  because your scared of what you know you should be? Is it just you really have no idea about how to discover yourself? Its time to stop letting a tv show or a form of music dictate who you become its getting ridiculous. Many of you are walking success stories but you are to busy holding your own self up because your trying to chase everything except for the very person you were destined to be. Yes I do understand there are some things in this life we endure that are part of gods will to help us become that person we are destined to be. However in the same breath you can be distracted by the simple things in life and totally miss who and what you can become. It only takes a moment to take a person from greatness to emptiness. Its about your mindset and what you allow yourself to be exposed to including the very friends you chose. Our friendships are also are reflection of who we are so with that being said you need to make sure your circle is right and tight. Everyday you should strive for some type of elevation from yourself to grow and be the best person you can be. Find yourself and your voice and be lifted to doing great things…

Quote: I can receive the blessings of my life and I can embrace the person I am but I can’t afford to not be who I really was meant to be because my life is tied to it.



Youtube: Please subscribe to our youtube account for all videos..


Twitter: @dtaylor0362

Upcoming event: Womens seminar in september titled “Whats the makeup behind the makeup?”

Take Me In

Take Me In

Good evening,

Fellows I got to keep real with you so some you this may hurt, some of you it may open your eyes, and some of you it may inspire. Fellows we dropping the ball bad and the topic at hand tonight are grown men letting women take care of them. Fellows understand everyone falls on hard times and that’s perfectly fine if your woman is there for you during this time you need that lets you know she may be a keeper. However for those of you who are just using the women or merely being lazy and not handling your business you know that isn’t right. Fellows if you going to be man and say you are a man then be just that. Today too many of our men hide behind excuses instead of just getting out there grinding the right way and trying to make something happen. Instead we want to rely on an excuse to justify why we are where we are but I’m sorry I don’t buy into excuses. If im correct God has ordained you as the head of the house and provider so with that being said he has also place the will in you to fulfill that role. I was having a conversation the other day and a young lady man the statement that she had to change her own tire in front of her man. Fellows really?  I mean come on there is no way things have gotten this bad that we as men aren’t willing or cant do something as simply as changing a tire. I think as men sometime we just don’t fully see the big picture in the fact that things we do or don’t do affects everything else around us especially our women. We complain about our women but we clearly aren’t giving them anything to marvel at because we aren’t willing to step up to the plate and bat as men. We got to get right fellows and focus on being be men and training our sons, nephews, cousins and etc to be men as well. The streets have gotten too many of us and filled our head with ideas of materialism, fast money, and multiple women. We forget the purpose in which we were designed and the importance of it. Fellows you got to get up off that couch or whatever you’re doing and make some positive and legit things happen. Greatness is in all of us but yet we push it to the side for a lack of fear. The only thing any man should fear is failing himself as a man, God, and his family. Time is up fellows either we going to step it up or continue to lose by the bus loads. Time for us to get out here and build our communities back up instead of competing over who has the best looking car, woman, house, and foolishness like that. It seems like today more of men are trying to out dress the women they are with instead of focusing on handling business as a man. There is nothing wrong with taken yourself and be well groomed because you should be your perception is important but there is also a fine line as well. I challenge all the men out there from this day forward to step it up and be better dads, husbands, and etc for the sake of our livelihood and take your place as a REAL MAN!

Quote: I wasn’t a man until I fulfilled my role as a man. I wasn’t a man until I committed to being the best man I could be. I wasn’t a man until I held myself accountable to what a man should be in Gods eyes. I wasn’t a man until I found me! ~d.taylor



Youtube: Please subscribe to our youtube account for all videos..


Twitter: @dtaylor0362

Upcoming event: Womens seminar in september titled “Whats the makeup behind the makeup?”

“I Love You”

“I Love You”

Good evening,

I posted a quote last week on facebook just a thought that came out of nowhere but here is what was said, “People have tainted the phrase "I Love You" so much that something that was of purity that a human can do has now become a routine thing to say. Educate yourself on love, what it does, what it feels like, and the act of it. Most importantly learn it form a biblical standard. ~d.taylor” This quote receive so many likes that I felt compelled to elaborate on why I said this very thing. Many of us have the routine type of speech when we meet someone and all is going well and it becomes I love you because he or she may be doing this or that. It seems many of us say it because he or she may have a certain level of materialism in which he or she may share with us. Then there is that woman or man who has this image that he or she may love. Let me slice this bread down the middle for you guys real quick. Love isnt something that is one of these simple things. Love is an action but it comes with an ultimate insight and sacrifice. Love is that one thing that you as a human can truly do and be real but many of us have become grammy nominated actors at love. Many of us say I love you and arent even willing to do the simplest thing to express or show that love. Question if you love someone wouldn’t you know the smallest things that mean the most to them? Question wouldn’t you also be willing to do those simple things? The truth is most of us that say I love you cant answer yes to those very simple questions. Here is a breakdown of the word love and I hope you carry it with you and it isnt my opinion but something from a biblical standard. Love at its greatest is the love that God laid down his life for you. So with that being said it was commanded that man love is woman like god loved the church. Meaning ladies a man should be willing to give his life for you, he should be committed to the relationship, faithful to you, supply you with spiritual and physical enlightment, and most importantly offer you protection, respect, honor, truth, and a life that is pleasing to elevate both of you as well as a potential family. Now on the flip side ladies you have your role to and that’s to be that backbone of that man and the home. To support, encourage(each other), to care for the home, and to provide the some of the very same things your man gives you (proverbs ).  See many of our women are approaching relationships with the attitude of what can I get out of him or how can he benefit me but theres no love wrapped around that ladies and if that’s what you are trying to build a life with someone on then you definetely wont make it for in any relationship. Fellows unless you are willing to give the things to a woman I mentioned above just to name a few then where is the love when you say I love you. Truthfully we have to begin to give what we are receiving, teach love my demonstrating it, and hold an accountability measuring stick to the standards of real love. The first time something doesn’t go your way or something isnt said to your liking then you love suddenly changes then it probably wasn’t real from the start. If you can stop loving someone at the drop of a hat then trust me your werent in love you just loved a mirage of something about that person or something they were doing just being real. Lets do better and get it together!!

Quote: People have tainted the phrase "I Love You" so much that something that was of purity that a human can do has now become a routine thing to say. Educate yourself on love, what it does, what it feels like, and the act of it. Most importantly learn it form a biblical standard. ~d.taylor



Youtube: Please subscribe to our youtube account for all videos..


Twitter: @dtaylor0362

Upcoming event: Womens seminar in september titled “Whats the makeup behind the makeup?”


Thursday, July 5, 2012

Social Networking or Social Exposure

Social Networking or Social Exposure

Good evening,

This message just dawned on me out of the blue to write so I just sit down and begin to write freely. This past week we discussed the impact of social networking in our society today but also the questioned was posed if it would be beneficial in the work place. There are millions of people on social networking sites all over the world however social networking can expose you if it is used wrong. Yes I know it’s your own personal site and you can say whatever you please and this is very true. Have you ever taken the time to sit down and realize how many people have access to these sites? From the things you say and the pictures you post are things that reflect back to you. Who is the same that the job interview you went on today is going to look you up on facebook? Who’s to say the next major referral in your life that could be key to your success may come from twitter? So you have to beware of what image that you are putting out there of yourself. One of the most important things I do believe is overlooked is that fact of the amount of kids on these sites as well. Some of which who make look up to you , follow you, and etc so the very thing you are doing or saying maybe influencing some young mind in either a negative or positive way. The bible says, “so my word that goes out of my mouth: It will not return empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it (Isaiah 55:11).” Also the sites are public sites and there is way to much time spending arguing, fighting, and etc in front of hundreds of people and all done for what? Your business should be your privacy if you have an issue with some then that issue should be handled between you and that individual instead of you, that person, and facebook(twitter) Matthew 18:15 “If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone.” Come we have to be more responsible then that and more aware of those who may be watching. Don’t allow social media to give you so much power that you forget where you stand and how to handle things properly.

Quote: It’s all about maturity and the ability to be aware of the truth. The truth is that many people watch and listen whether you know it or now. Its just human nature. Make sure you wise in the way you want to be perceived. ~d.taylor


Twitter: @dtaylor0362

Upcoming Event: July 14, 2012 @New Home Baptist Church in Gordo, Al    From: 12noon  - 2pm  “Humble Men Of God”
Check out the official IAMDRIVENFORSUCCESS merchandise….



Good evening,

I’m going to need for you to put your deep thinking hats on tonight and follow me as I give you something that was given to me from personal standpoint. We all at some point will face the inevitable which is death. However I wanted to share another perspective for you in the sense of reincarnation. What I mean is in this life we all go through stuff and at the moment we go through it our mind is so caught up in the moment and totally lose ourselves. We get done to that point of what seems like is no return but what we fail to realize is those are the moments in which we die in order to be reincarnated. God knows exactly what he is doing however we don’t so though it may feel like the worst time in you life it may actually turn out to be the best thing in your life that has happen. In order to get you on your correct path and fulfilling your purpose the old you must die. It has to because that person doesn’t coincide with the purpose and plan of your future. Sometimes that may even mean losing people around you that you may have felt close to. The main objective is to get there. I was bible study one nite and Pastor Jeffery Thrash said, “ Have you ever seen grass grow up through concrete? When God has a purpose for your life nothing can stop it.” This statement is true and it sometimes taking having that temporary moment of hurt and pain to birth a new you. Once you are reincarnated then your mind begins to think differently, your vision becomes clear, your ambition is full of purpose, and your future is now a destiny instead of a hope of happiness. You have to be willing to walk in it and go through it to complete that reincarnation process of who you will become. Many of us go through our trials and tribulations and begin to turn to things that are negative and prevent u from getting there. I encourage you to focus even when times are hard on getting better and getting stronger and leaning towards Gods vision for you life.

Quote: What you thought broke you just may define the new coming of you and lead you to purpose. ~d.taylor



Twitter: @dtaylor0362

Upcoming Event: July 14, 2012 @New Home Baptist Church in Gordo, Al    From: 12noon  - 2pm  “Humble Men Of God”

Check out the official IAMDRIVENFORSUCCESS merchandise….