Monday, June 18, 2012

Dead Horse

Dead Horse

Good Evening,

I don’t even know where to start on this subject because I feel like I’ve addressed it more then once however it seems to continue to present itself and I guess it’s just an issue we have to continue to address for both ladies and me so ill start with you first ladies.

Ladies listen there are a few things you need to have in order when any man comes to you. Those things are self respect, standards, accountability, and the ability to walk away. So many of you spend time with the wrong guy and you already know his lifestyle isn’t what you like but you still find yourself with him and for what? Then you end up getting yourself in a situation with this person and now you feel trapped. Listen to me ladies if you make demand respect and stand strong on it, that means he can either give it or not. If he chooses not to then let him know to kick rocks and move on with your life. You have to want better for yourself and know that you deserve better in order to receive better. A lot of you allow the worse things from cheating, beating, and etc instead of just saying here is what I desire and be willing to walk away if you can’t receive it. Also on the flip side you can’t demand something that you’re not giving so make sure your end is up to par as well. We all know right from wrong so if you’re in a situation that you are constantly having issues which involves any of the things I just mentioned then you may want to step back. When a man is being a man then he will be responsible like a man. He won’t mind meeting any expectations or standards because he will require the same thing from you as well.


Man we have got to do a better job as men in giving these women something worth having and being real men. However on the flip side we to have to require some things from our women by asking them to respect themselves more. We may also need to go as far letting them know and being honest in what we really want as far as being in a relationship because we know that we aren’t going to just bring any woman home to meet mama. Yes there are some of us that like to play the game if that’s you then its you but don’t waste someone time and energy when you know your just playing I mean hey keep it real. We have to get our women to the next level by doing our part and that involves us having our stuff together and also putting the criteria on them to have theirs together instead of just the next cute face and nice body. After all I would like to think you would want someone who can add to your life and isn’t a burden. Well the only way to get that is to be that and teach it to your daughters, female friends, and look for it in the woman you want because at the end of the day its about standards, accountability, and balance.

Quote: The essence of who we are is often the reflection of our interactions of those we love and care about the most. We always want the best for those closest to us and if you don’t then you may need to reconsider how you feel about that person. ~d.taylor


Twitter: @dtaylor0362

Upcoming News: “Humble Men of God”

                              Time: 12noon-2pm

                               Location: New Home Baptist Church

                                                        Gordo, Al

The Love Chronicle Series by Doug Harris coming soon…                              

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