Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Past Is It Gone

The Past Is It Gone

Good morning,

This is special release message due to multiple conversations I have had this morning and I feel compelled to talk about this subject. Question is your past still holding on to you? Take some time and really thing about this because believe it or not a lot of us hold on to our past thinking that we have moved on. The truth is if you still have certain insecurities regarding certain issues, bitterness, defensive, or find yourself justifying your actions because of your past then you probably haven’t let your past go. We have to begin to understand that things that have happened to us may not have been right by no means but yet and still it was a learning experience. A experience that we must give and learn not to partake in or accept in our lives anymore. See justification is the manifestation of the devils way of holding you and your mind at a stand still in your life. If you’re always looking back then you can’t move forward which causes confusion in your life and God has clearly told us that he isn’t the author of confusion( 1 Cor. 14:33- For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.). The process of the past has to be a clear cut throat process and once it has been addressed the door to it needs to be shut and the new life should be breathed into the new you. First thing is to look back remember what happen and deal with it. Secondly look for the insight and take the wisdom from what happen and if you need clarity then ask God for it because you can’t understand why certain things happen it will only confuse you. Third forgive what happen to you and stop allowing in to affect your decision making. See this is how we get in our own way and defer Gods blessing and will for our lives. As I stated before make it short and sweet and move on by seeing the problem and finding the solution case closed. Fourth and finally step of this process is probably the most important and that is taking your new find wisdom and applying it to your life as well as giving insight to others so that they know what it is right and wrong. What inspired me to right this message was I received so much feedback from the message I wrote title “What’s The Deal” in which I address some things straight forward.  The purpose was to make you think and examine yourself but this past issue is a matter of both men and women. Yes ladies we as men haven’t given you the best example but that doesn’t justify why women are the way they are today. Men yes we haven’t had the best male models but again we can’t totally allow that to be the justification for how we are today. The fact of the matter is this we all know right from wrong and we need to stop sitting around and making excuses and fix the problem we have and stop letting what happen to us be our justification. I hate that we go through some things in our lives which can be very hurtful but in the same sense we have to build each other up and show each other the right way. If you don’t have the example you need in your life then find it outside of your home. Someone who represents the kind of man or woman you want to be and talks it and walks it so that you have an example but make sure to add the most important element and ask God to make you into whom he desires you to be. No more resentment, bitterness, anger, frustration, or anything negative drive you to be anything other then what you were designed to be. Stay poised and focused and remember you are someone of value and with that being said you need to show your value, demonstrate your value, and request your value.

Quote: Man or woman will only do what you allow but your standards should be the mark that is set and accountability should be the measuring stick. ~d.taylor

Twitter: @dtaylor0362

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