Monday, April 30, 2012



Good Evening,

If you know me then you know by now that I title these messages based on what the message will reveal for the week. I want to talk about a very touchy, concealed, and very mind blowing topic. That topic is molestation in our homes, community, and culture. Truth is…this is not only a serious issue but a reality for so many women.  I had no idea, until recently, how many women have suffered from this type of sexual abuse and the impact it has on that woman. It’s about time that we stop sweeping in under the rug.  Often times the issue is avoided because the perpetrator may have been a family member, close friend, etc.. The point of the matter is…the behavior is wrong and needs to stop! For those of us who know the perpetrators (people doing this) we not only need to confront that person but get them some help. Molestation causes so much negative behavior in these women that it’s unreal. Let me bring this into prospective for you.  I want to bring it a little bit closer to home so that you really feel this impact. Imagine you know a woman who goes thru this at a very young age.  As she gets older, she begins to act out through sex, drugs, and insecurities.  She begins to feel unloved and alone.  Not only that, she has no respect for any man she comes across because she’s afraid.  Her image of a man is a negative reflection based on what she’s been thru. She goes out into this world feeling as though there is no one to talk to and no place to turn. She may even begin to develop a defensive attitude.  She is then quick to pop off even at the slightest mention of something that makes her flash back to this horrible moment of her life. Meanwhile, she is unable to develop into that strong minded woman. So, she’s looking for love and acceptance thru the wrong people and the wrong places. Now what has that sexual abuse left her with? Absolutely nothing but a lost identity.  It’s straight up sad, wrong and ridiculous for anyone to have to go thru this kind of hurt in their life. I’m saying, today we have to reach out and find a way to stop this. We should even go so far as to make sure we confront those who are committing these violent criminal acts. We have to reach out to those who have suffered.   Assist those who experience this abuse and offer guidance.  Be the outlet for the victim to talk. Show them love and a representation of a real man, and just be there for them. There are so many women hurting from this abuse, and my heart goes out to them in every way. We have to not only be there, but lead them to God and show them that their value is so much more then what they may be feeling at the moment.  We must reassure them that regardless of what happens, His love for them Never Changes. Some victims will be strong enough mentally to go to God.  However, even those individuals still need a helping hand in confronting this demon. 

Quote: Never sell your soul for anything of this world (money, materialism, etc..) for the price was paid thousands of years ago and it’s a debt that could only be paid by Him. ~d.taylor

I also have to attack this topic for the young boys and men who are victims. Sexual abuse also affects men and hinders their development emotionally as well as their sexuality. It seems to make our young men very aggressive and negative. Additionally, there is the feeling of not being accepted.  There is a sense of ridicule that will come from other men finding out that they are a victim of sexual abuse. In our society, this could be very devastating to a young male and his identity. At the end of the day, sexual molestation is still something that has to be addressed and handled properly. It takes a strong minded individual to overcome this type of anguish.  However, if they haven’t developed that mindset, then we must have people in place to help them overcome this terrible trauma. So much time and energy gets placed into other things that effect our generation in a negative way. Sadly, this monster is something that is continuously brush to the side. Sexual abuse has affected just as many lives (males and females) than anything else.  So, shouldn’t sexual abuse awareness, response, intervention, and recovery be put among the priority list to find a solution? Yes, I understand that we can’t stop a person from committing such terrible acts of violent, but we can bring it to the front line regardless of the relationship with the person.  Furthermore, we can offer support to the victim. I’m just saying, it’s something to think about all epidemics are fatal because I definitely consider this to be one.

Quote: Sometimes when you look back and things seem horrible that you went through but don’t overlook the beauty of your perseverance and the power of your will to become better. ~d.taylor


Twitter: @dtaylor0362

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Past Is It Gone

The Past Is It Gone

Good morning,

This is special release message due to multiple conversations I have had this morning and I feel compelled to talk about this subject. Question is your past still holding on to you? Take some time and really thing about this because believe it or not a lot of us hold on to our past thinking that we have moved on. The truth is if you still have certain insecurities regarding certain issues, bitterness, defensive, or find yourself justifying your actions because of your past then you probably haven’t let your past go. We have to begin to understand that things that have happened to us may not have been right by no means but yet and still it was a learning experience. A experience that we must give and learn not to partake in or accept in our lives anymore. See justification is the manifestation of the devils way of holding you and your mind at a stand still in your life. If you’re always looking back then you can’t move forward which causes confusion in your life and God has clearly told us that he isn’t the author of confusion( 1 Cor. 14:33- For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.). The process of the past has to be a clear cut throat process and once it has been addressed the door to it needs to be shut and the new life should be breathed into the new you. First thing is to look back remember what happen and deal with it. Secondly look for the insight and take the wisdom from what happen and if you need clarity then ask God for it because you can’t understand why certain things happen it will only confuse you. Third forgive what happen to you and stop allowing in to affect your decision making. See this is how we get in our own way and defer Gods blessing and will for our lives. As I stated before make it short and sweet and move on by seeing the problem and finding the solution case closed. Fourth and finally step of this process is probably the most important and that is taking your new find wisdom and applying it to your life as well as giving insight to others so that they know what it is right and wrong. What inspired me to right this message was I received so much feedback from the message I wrote title “What’s The Deal” in which I address some things straight forward.  The purpose was to make you think and examine yourself but this past issue is a matter of both men and women. Yes ladies we as men haven’t given you the best example but that doesn’t justify why women are the way they are today. Men yes we haven’t had the best male models but again we can’t totally allow that to be the justification for how we are today. The fact of the matter is this we all know right from wrong and we need to stop sitting around and making excuses and fix the problem we have and stop letting what happen to us be our justification. I hate that we go through some things in our lives which can be very hurtful but in the same sense we have to build each other up and show each other the right way. If you don’t have the example you need in your life then find it outside of your home. Someone who represents the kind of man or woman you want to be and talks it and walks it so that you have an example but make sure to add the most important element and ask God to make you into whom he desires you to be. No more resentment, bitterness, anger, frustration, or anything negative drive you to be anything other then what you were designed to be. Stay poised and focused and remember you are someone of value and with that being said you need to show your value, demonstrate your value, and request your value.

Quote: Man or woman will only do what you allow but your standards should be the mark that is set and accountability should be the measuring stick. ~d.taylor

Twitter: @dtaylor0362

Info: You can become a member of our blogsite and get an email everytime our messgaes are updated.. Just click on the members tab located in the top right section of the blogsite.

Monday, April 16, 2012

What's The Deal

What’s The Deal


Its my pleasure to speak with you this week and come to you on a real subject matter. This message was written because it seems over the last couple weeks it has come up multiple times. What’s the deal ladies? Really what are you guys looking for in a man these days and what are you expecting from him? For those of you who have good men who take care of their responsibilities, faithful to you, and being a real man why is it so hard for you to do right by him? Is it really to that point that you looking for someone to just take care of you or just someone to get over on? Then you are crazy in love with those who do you wrong in every imaginable way but that’s the one you give your loyalty and respect to! Im sorry to be the bearer of bad news but there isn’t love around that in no way just being real with you. Im asking you ladies whats the deal with this vicious cycle that so many of you partake in and waste valuable time of your life before you get it right or never do?! I hear so many women say how that want a good man and have no idea what to do with it or how to obtain and keep one if they had one. For those of you who did choose the right man why is it so hard for you to give him what he gives you and to meet this man halfway. Ladies please stop taking your good man for granted and slacking on business that you know you should be handling because you can put that man in a situation where the best thing you ever had just may walk out on you and whatever you guys may have had at any given point. I don’t know what the issue is and I feel there are many factors from lack of guidance, lack of examples, to much tv(which is just entertainment not real life)

, to much music (which is just entertainment not real life) and young mother still caught up in being young instead of being mothers. I was talking with Miranda once and we had this convo about the state of women and I told her jokingly that I should start a Grandma Bootcamp and let the older women really show our younger woman how to get it in like they use to and be women of substance and not women of status and materialism. Some of you may read this and say wow he is being direct but I really have to be when it comes to this topic because nothing will change if we keep dancing around the issue. Nothing will change if I don’t make you think. Nothing will change if you this message applies to you and it doesn’t hit you in the chest… Think Think Think… Realize so much of what you do affects the woman coming up from the way they act to the way they dress and you never know whose watching you and wants to be like you. For those of you who have your good man and your doing your part and you guys are making it happen I applaud you that’s exactly how it should be and please continue just reach back and show someone else how it should be done.

Quote: Look in the mirror and see yourself, Address your flaws, and Change for the better. The very thing you value can be lost in tomorrow. ~d.taylor

Twitter: @dtaylor0362

Info: Feel free to blog on this letter and others on our blogsite we would love to hear your thoughts… all comments will be evaluated.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Stay The Course

Stay The Course

Good Evening,

          I hope you all have had a productive week. This week I just wanted to have a heart to heart with you fellows. Sometimes we begin to make changes and begin down the right/positive path and the road seems so hard and long. You have those who don’t know you and those who do but seem to take shots at what you are doing. I’m sue we have all dealt with this but understand that this is what I like to call a “Gut Check.” Gut check is a measurement of how much you can take to obtain the success you desire and your commitment to that process. This will be the ‘IT’ moment in which you may feel like its you against the world and that’s good because in that intimate moment you will find assurance, motivation, identity, dependency, and most important a conversation with God. At this moment he will reveal things to you because you’re at a humble state of mind. I say to you continue to press forward for the success you desire in your life and personal growth. Your success can’t be measured by outsiders because they can’t understand and don’t have a clue as to what your ultimate goal will be. We so often allow ourselves to get in our on way by hesitating on decisions, doubting, or simply allowing the wrong people in our lives through conversations and your inner circle. You just made need to do an alt+clt+delete (meaning you alt to control who you delete and what you delete out of your life.)

Quote: Your commitment to becoming a better you shouldn’t be in others opinion or the satisfaction of others approval of what you are trying to become or do but it should only lie in the pure desire of finding you, being you, and fulfilling your destiny regardless. ~d.taylor

Twitter: @dtaylor0362

Monday, April 2, 2012



Good Evening,

Its my pleasure to speak with you again. This is a bonus message this week and it was something that was laying on my heart pretty heavy to speak about to you guys. Fellows as leaders of our household and as men in general its our job to prepare for the future. Yes I’ve heard the well I live today for today because tomorrow isn’t promised… yes  this is true and I understand but the bible clearly states  Proverbs 13:22” A good man leaves an inheritance for his children's children, but a sinner's wealth is stored up for the righteous.” We have been so miseducated about finances that it seems our generation buys into all of this foolishness with being flashy and just making it rain as we like to say these days. Then I look and I see an investment group that includes Magic Johnson buy the Los Angeles Dodgers. Anyone knows me can tell you I always advise people to invest and even start investment groups whether it be with family, friends, or anyone who is dedicated to making the most of their life of  and finances. We can change our communities, educate our youth, and live financially free when we do these things instead of competing to outshine each other or getting ourselves wrapped up in material things. Build a foundation now that your kids and your kids can begin ahead in life as well as giving them a legacy to carry on.

Twitter: @dtaylor0362

Quote: “ I want to be remembered by those who love me, but I would much rather leave a legacy that carries over to those who love me and never knew me. For inspiration will tell the story of a life." ~D.Taylor

Miss Interpretation

Miss Interpretation

Hello Ladies,

It’s such a blessing to be in your presence again. I have a beautiful message I’d like to convey this week. I hope it makes you stop and think, just as it did me.

 I was tuned in to my Facebook page this past week. There was a young lady around thirty-seven, whose dilemma was that she wanted a good man in her life. So I thought it may be interesting enough to read through. I understood why she felt she had a problem, because to some degree I have felt the same. She had finished school and had double degrees. She’d played her cards right so to speak and as most of us would say, “had herself together.” She expressed how she’d gone to various avenues to meet someone, but none had any promise. She posed the question, “what could she do to fine what she wanted?” & “Why was the task so hard?” Again, I understood her dilemma. What I didn’t understand was all the negative and somewhat ignorant replies she received. She was basically told she should visit the clubs in her area, she just may not right kind of woman men seek, ant the one that ticked me the most was; she should dumb down in order to find a man.

Wow! What on earth are we trying to do to each other? First off ladies, you shouldn’t be looking for a man anyway. The bible itself says, whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD. Proverbs 18:22   This to me says, God has the right one for you if you just trust him. Also it leads me to believe that you should let men do their part and find you. Not that we need to be hunted or searched out but just because, how can he find you if you’re in all the wrong places looking for what you think he should be? Secondly, I don’t know of any successful marriages that began on the club scene. Maybe there are some, but I don’t know of any. If that’s the path you choose be careful what you get in return. I’m just saying. Lastly, why on earth would anyone suggest to this young lady that maybe she should “dumb down” just to find the right man? Ladies what does this say to our men? To me it says, well you’re smart and maybe they are intimidated by you. Yes, I see that this could happen, but if you have to change who you are just for someone to fall for you, then who did they just fall for? A perception? If you want the right man, no matter who you are; just be yourself. This also says to me that brothers aren’t smart enough to compete for an intelligent woman. That is outlandish! It’s degrading to the human race! There are many intelligent brothers out here who are in the same boat. They want to find the right woman too. That statement that she should “dumb down” is a thorn for all of us. It gives the notion that our men aren’t good enough for us. We have to stop this type of thinking. This is a horrible way to think. It says we have no confidence in our men. Give the brothers a chance. Iron sharpens Iron. The right brother can more than handle a strong woman. Set your goals high of course, but do not be high minded, arrogant, or vain.  James 4:10 says, Humble yourselves before the Lord; and he will lift you up.

I hope I have encouraged you today to be careful, and not let the world give you the wrong advice. Until next time, be blessed.

Quote: The right man will love all the things about you that the wrong man was intimidated by.


Feel free to contact me.

Look me up on Facebook under:  Miranda Jackson

Clear It Out

Clear It Out

Let’s talk about the American Bald Eagle.......when I researched
this bird I found out that It was surely designed by God! As I was
lead to study, the Spirit of God began to open my eyes to the things
He had equipped The Bald Eagle with. The Bald Eagle has what is called
and inner eyelid which operates as windshield wipers do. As the
Eagle flies it wipes back and forth clearing dirt out of its eyes
so it can see clearly......God began to show me that we as a people
get most distracted by the mess that constantly gets in our
eyesight.....if we could only keep our eyesight cleared out the less
we will be distracted. When it's feathers get heavy and worn the eagle
isolates itself and plucks all of its feathers off and stays here
until new ones appear.....what I am saying is that sometimes we have
to shake off the old and allow the new to grow in. Also isolation or
solitude is the audience chamber of God. We build a relationship by
well spent intimate time with God.....
The Eagle protection method is amazing...when the Eagle is being
chased by the enemy, He flies toward the sun and as he gets closer to
the sun the inner eyelids turns into some shades and the sun serves as
his protection. Does that sound familiar the sun(son) serves as
protection. When in toward the sun(son)! Go study the gets deeper…..

Chris “Cash” Washington

Quote: “On tops of mountains, as everywhere to hopeful souls, it is always morning.”  Thoureau