Its pleasure to speak with you guys again but this week I wanted to continue on the topic for the men in reference to the letter that was written for the ladies. You know what really irritates me fellows is the fact that I’ve always been told I was different from most men and not that it’s a bad thing because I don’t believe in fitting anyone’s stereotype of what I should be and I’m not saying this to blow my own horn. Im just saying fellows we must do better I mean we are letting our women down so much. They expect us to cheat, not want to pay bills, not lead the household, not being spiritually grounded, to stay out late hitting the clubs, to not take care of our responsibility with kids, and etc. Some how this how become the norm, its accepted, and even expected. Fellows we are going to have to change the way ladies see us because it develops a down spiral of confusion in what a man actually is and does. Most women now a days don’t have the first clue of what a man is and the truth of the matter is we have a lot to do with that mindset. Is it really that scary of an idea to be different from the rest of the pack? Is it that uncool to take care of your family, be faithful, live with purpose and represent God, to secure your family financial future, to show son and daughters what a man is, and is it that hard to be the leader god ordained you to be? Im just askin because it doesn’t make sense for any woman to be shocked to know that we do all the things a man should, meet the halfway on other things, and handle our business. It should be shocking that we can remain faithful to one woman. This world is full of illusions that distract us from being what we should be from the music to the tv is all detached representation of a realistic life. I was having a conversation with one of my closest friends last week and I was telling him its said that most men will spend all of their youthful years chasing a mirage of life that has them surrounded by beautiful women, pales of money, and materialism. They will be in their mid 30’s to 40’s before they realize you have wasted valuable time and now 10 to 20yrs of life that you cant get back. Im not saying rush and getting married and etc because trust me you need to make sure that is a good situation for you and both parties are willing to equally and willingly make sure each other is good and its not a one sided situation. However what I am saying is yes have fun and enjoy life but don’t get caught up in a myth. Make sure you handle you business and get things lined up correctly but also be representation of a real man and give real advice to younger men instead of this foolish things people say and mislead them. You never know whose watching you whether it be a young man or young woman your impact on them could make all the difference. Lets do something about our perception and no longer allow our women to be in shock just because they see a good man doing what he should and its so rare that it blows their minds because it shouldn’t instead what is seen as different should be the normal, what is accepted and expected.
P.S. For those of you who are handling your business and doing the right things I encourage you to continue to do so be that real man. Ladies if you have one of these men then make sure you do your part as well and look out for him just as he does you. What is given should be received in return. Anything good and worth having comes with making changes and sacrifices its been that way since the beginning of time. If you don’t believe what I’m saying then ask yourself this, “ Can you get into heaven by living anyway and doing anything” or “Do you have to give up some things and change the way in which you live?”
Quote: “Most men are very attached to the idea of being male, and usually experience a lot of fear and insecurity around the idea of being a man.” Andrew Cohen
Twitter: @dtaylor0362
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