you start your day I would like to give you something to think about and
evaluate about yourself. Many times in life we tend to just make decisions on
our own once we achieve that I’m grown mindset. I would like to pose a question
to you today, “Who is your consultant?” We pay hundreds and even thousands of
dollars to have a consultant in certain areas of life. However there is truly
only one consultant for life and that’s our heavenly father whose an all in one
type of consultant. We must fully rely on and trust God in every aspect of our
lives. As stated in Proverbs 3:6 which reads “In all thy ways acknowledge him,
and he shall direct thy paths.” Only God can give us clear precise instructions
and direction for the will or our lives. In personal relationship we must
consult God to make sure we have the mate God has provided for us. We must
consult him to guide us financially, spiritually, and every aspect of life.
Before I make a decision to even work overtime I pray and ask God for his
approval. You may be reading this like really, that’s a little overboard right?
What you must understand is we should never want to be anywhere but where God has
required us to be. For someone else sake you could be the delivery of a
message/gift or the receiver of a message/gift. Even the feelings that may come
over you sometimes always consult God and make sure it is him. The enemy is so
crafty at his job and often will use distraction and distortion heavily to get
us off track. The enemy will make something seem one way and in reality it’s
just a mirage. We find ourselves in situations that are hard to deal with or
get out of because we didn’t seek the advice of your Consultant (God). Every
aspect of your life requires God’s approval so that you can navigate through
life as smoothly as possible. Never rely on yourself as stated in the first
part of Proverbs 3:7 “Be not wise in thine own eyes:” God has planned your
entire life so submit to his will and seek his counsel. As you involve God in
your life you will find that doors will be opened, people will be moved to do
things on your behalf, and life just becomes so much easier. Don’t focus on
what you think you are giving up but embrace the love, protection, warnings,
and all that come with the awesome God we serve. There is nothing a like the
peace you will feel when you know that you’re headed towards your destiny. Your
natural mind says to be independent but your spirit teaches dependency mindset
only on God. Whichever mindset you are operating in is a direct reflection of
whose operating you!!!!!! Consulting God shows trust, respect, and a willing
desire to walk in purpose for which God has designed you.
can examine your relationship with God by reflecting on your commitment to
consult God. ~d.taylor
Announcement: Alabama Cash Album “I Am” can now be purchased at
->Music->Purchase Album->I Am
Phone: 951-262-2512
Twitter: @dtaylor0362