Friday, November 2, 2012

The Journey

The Journey


Good Morning,


I hope all of you have been well and blessed since my last message. I tell you it has been a crazy week for me and so much revelation. Today I just wanted to talk to you guys from personal experience. A lot of times as we live our lives it’s so much that go on that we often don’t take the time to reflect, but please know that reflection is important. Never reflect in the sense of holding on to something, but more in the sense of appreciation and understanding. Just looking back on what God is doing in my life right now is absolutely amazing to see a vision he gave come together so quickly. However let’s go back to over a year ago when he took me to a point of emptiness and loneliness. During this time the only thing I could hold on to was him because there was so much I was dealing with that my life had become such an overwhelming experience. There were personal issues, family sickness, and the loss of a very close family member all at one time. As I begin to look around all I could see was confusion and chaos in my life. In this moment I realized I had to take some time to myself so I begin to put myself in solitude. Over four months my communication was limited and my interaction was almost nonexistent. Then that day came when I heard him say just as clear as day, “My son your grieving period is over and it’s time to walk. You have stayed true to trying your best to fulfill your purpose and hear the calling on your life. Now move!!” Since that day the only time I look backed was to see the lessons. The Demarkis I once knew was no longer and the man I was destined to be had come forth. As I begin my journey I begin to see changes and shifts in my life. I realized everyone isn’t meant to go on this journey with me. The vision I was given I had to stay true to it and myself. No matter what the circumstance was going on around me I had to stay focused. New friendships were developed and old ones became tighter then ever before. I share this with you because I want everyone to understand the importance of courage. Truth be told there isn’t a right time for anything, but when you walk in faith, expectation, and  being enlighten then you realize at any given time that you have to be willing to embrace the present situation. Many of us get it confused thinking we have to already be in a place to take on situations, but that’s not always the case. You are either already equipped or you will learn on the fly (kind of like on the job training). Your faith is demonstrated in the fact that you’re willing and have the courage to embrace whatever it is and after that it’s all on him. I’ve never understood the position of being fearful of something that is positive and good in your life. As God begin to restore me because understand that’s exactly what I was going through a restoration period. Restoration is a period in which he replenishes that which was taken out of you whether it was by you, someone else, or life. Courage is kind of like the doorway to getting to the next level. What I was shown was the importance of love and what love does in our lives. It takes courage to love, but love is the key to the doorway of life. I mean when you aren’t afraid to love, accept love, and express love then what you will find is the doors of blessings will open. Think about it the most successful people do what they LOVE to do, the most fulfilled people stay true to the LOVE of compassion, the most lasting relationships stayed true to LOVE, and most important the LOVE of God never fails. When I shifted my mind into this way of thinking and no matter what I stayed true to myself, my passion, and my LOVES then life became a lot easier. What happens next is you begin to dig deeper and find out who you really are, what you are really capable of, what your purpose is, and what path you are willing to stay on regardless of what happens around you. There are moments when you feel alone but always know that even in those moments you’re being prepared for the next level. Sometimes in order to hear the rain then you must hear the REIGN. It’s a journey within itself to find yourself and voice but it’s one worth the walk. Many of us live of our lives with the spirit of fear in us everyday and we never reach our potential. We never experience life on the scale God design us to experience it on. We are too fearful of losing something, disappointment, being hurt, unwilling to sacrifice, and even letting some people go out of our lives who are holding us up. The best fall is a free fall because you will either experience the protection of God around you or you will see what he has equipped you with because you just may start flying. As I end this message I tell you embrace your struggle, your past, your present situation, and be willing to elevate yourself and your life. Remember it is all up to you no matter what you miss or experience it’s all of your free will that he granted you with in this life. I pray you gain courage, find wisdom, and implement action into your life because the next level is waiting on you! Make sure you develop vision you can’t get to where you’re going if you can’t see it. What words will describe your journey when it’s all said and done? Think about it…..



Quote: Develop your courage so that you can walk in humility, live in abundance, speak with wisdom, and embrace understanding. ~d.taylor




Phone:    951-262-2512
