Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Exclusive Message For The Ladies

Exclusive Message


Good evening ladies I’m sorry to disturb you on a Wednesday evening but this a subject that was on my heart to attack and I wanted to get it out. Ladies here is the deal and ive heard this personally, in other people relationships, and even just an average conversation. However since no one wants to attack this subject I guess I will and put this thing in focus for you guys. Your probably wondering what I’m talking about right? Well it’s the phrase ladies you like to use towards your mate which goes,” Your not my daddy!” Some of you may have said it in another way but essentially the message is the same. Well ladies understand something for a real man who is really true to you the requirement for the way he should love you is very high. Now first you need to make sure you have the right kind of man who is walking what he talks.  Below I listed the biblical requirements of how a man should love you and what he should be willing to do.

 Ephesians 5:25-27 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her; 26 that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, 27 that He might present to Himself the church in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she should be holy and blameless.

"(Ephesians 5:28-33) You care for your body daily to be as well fed and healthy as possible. You quickly take care of any needs or desires. Any sexual desire as a husband should be cared for with your wife. In the same way, care for your wife's needs and well being. Feel your wife's pain and illness and rejoice in her health as if it were your own life. A husband must see his wife's sexual desires and make supreme efforts to meet those needs too. Basically, her need or desire whether financial, physical, emotional or spiritual in your relationship must receive your full effort. Only in this way can you love her and provide for her just as well as you do for yourself.

Now that you know the requirements let me help you understand even further. When a man loves you ladies then he has a genuine concern for your well being from you flesh to your spirit. He wants the best for you and because of the love he has for you then he will offer you the gifts of inspiration, preparation, protection, consolation, and he will always have your best interest in mind as well as the relationship. This means ladies that when he tells you something then its not always him being controlling but just trying to look out for you and put you on what is going on around you and the relationship. If I’m required to give my life for you and give my all to you then don’t you understand I’m going to protect my investment of time and energy that I put into you?! Ladies love is an action and it makes you do something and if its real then you’ll be wrapped up in it at all times. No one is trying to raise anybody whose already an adult but we as men will try to get our woman’s perception in focus not because he is trying to be controlling but for the best interest you and the relationship. Which would you rather have someone who may say they love you but actions say other wise tell you something or someone you know without a shadow of doubt is unconditionally in love with you tell you something??? Umm yea I hope you chose the second one by far. Ladies think about this thing when you were a child did your father not tell you things that would help you advance in life? Yes im sure he did and you probably listened. Well he just didnt tell you things just because he was your father but it was because you needed to know the game. Well when your in a good relationship its no different the man will assume his role if he is a man and do that very same thing but you must understand what it is he’s doing. Love can be as simple as you want it to be or as hard as you make it to be but you must have you perception of things in line to understand. As a man there is nothing a good man would love more then to have a woman understand this concept and be able to realize what it is so that she doesn’t reject it. If you have a good man and he’s doing the things he should then be a reflection of him.

Twitter: @dtaylor0362

Quote: Woman was taken out of man; not out of his head to top him, nor out of his feet to be trampled underfoot; but out of his side to be equal to him, under his arm to be protected, and near his heart to be loved

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Finding Happiness

Finding Happiness
I am grateful for the opportunity to once again address you all. I pray all is well with each of you. This
week I would like to share a message of happiness with each of you. I’m sure you’ve heard people say
they will be happy when they have the great job, house, car, etc. I’m sure I have said the same at some
point in my life. It usually comes up when we’re feeling down about some circumstance that we can’t
handle. Truth is, happiness is not found in the things we acquire. I know, sounds crazy doesn’t it? But, I
assure you. I learned early on that things will not make me happy.
Sure it’s nice to have them but, “what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?”
I found my greatest joys when I allowed God to be a part of my life. Let me share something personal
with you all.
I am a cancer survivor. I have life because God saw fit to heal the thing that quite possibly could have
taken me out. I am not living because I did anything fancier than the next. Not even because I have
everything I have ever wanted. I am here simply because his grace is sufficient. I will not bore you with
the details, but I can tell you that it was a truly hard burden to bear. I have learned that as I faced death,
I was able to look at my life with clearer eyes. My perspective changed. I was no longer looking to have
it all. My prayer was for life. I clearly saw what was important. Without life, all the material things mean
nothing. I am happy because I find something new to be grateful for with each day.
My point, change your way of thinking and you will surely change your circumstances. You want
happiness; you are the only one capable of achieving it for you. It is not in the abundance of things. It is
not in having the greatest job, or the biggest home. It is not even in having a man in your life. A man can
only enhance the happiness you possess inside yourself. Without first being happy with you, you will not
be happy with anyone or anything else. If you have a man in your life, examine how you treat him every
day. Do you make sure everything is well with him? Do you make him breakfast and dinner? Do you take
care of business in the bedroom? If you see anything that is not right in your relationships, it may be
because of how you feel about yourself. Are you happy? If not, then how can you make him happy? Get
yourselves together ladies, and you will see happiness fulfill your life. You want your man to treat you
like a queen? Start by treating yourself like a queen and him like a king. Then you will be able to fully
enjoy everything else in your life. Wake up ladies, to the happiness you can possess.
Until we speak again, be blessed.
Miranda Jackson

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Real Talk

Real Talk

Good Evening,

I hope all of you guys are doing well this week and I pray this new year has been good to you thus far. I usually draw my messages from situations, conversations, past experiences, reality of what I see, and so many other things inspire my messages. This week I wanted to touch on the lets keep it real phrase we use so often. The truth is guys we really haven’t been keeping it real at all. If we were then a lot of issues we face and a lot of molds we tend to fit into wouldn’t exist. Let me elaborate on what I mean, see this is a fact people respond to emotional movement from a message, person, song or whatever. We put these masks on and don’t realize we aren’t even being real with ourselves. If we were then you could be comfortable in being who you are and sticking to your beliefs. When you do this naturally you begin to draw people to you and your world if its positive and real. Once you have done that its up to us fellows to present our men with legitimate information to help them prosper in life. Yes we can only take responsibility for our actions but the truth is you can also change a life with just a word or positive action. I was talking to a good friend in my close circle today and he actually made me realize how blessed I am to have someone who can keep it REAL with me in helping me to become sharper then what I am. Somehow we have taken the word real and put images of status and upholding our dirt so to speak. The truth is keeping it real is being true to yourself and being able to recognize your flaws and grow and strive to be better. Yes I know life is life so you will be tested day in and day out. Yes your nights will be long when your mind is weighted with flesh and spiritual conflicts. Maintain stand your ground because we only get to achieve our dreams and get to that place of success when you stand firm. God doesn’t want us to be wishy washy guys with him and we cant be that way in our everyday lives. Im challenging you this evening to strive to be better then you were yesterday and lend a hand to another brother who is trying while encouraging those who don’t quite have it in prospective just yet. I cant ever say Im fulfilled as a man until I know that I have at least change one life to take a positive walk in life. Look back in your community and ask yourself I can I change the negatives that are going on in my town. Our society and our culture will continue to fail until we decide to stand up and be the men we should be and live by the standards we were designed to uphold. Tomorrow isn’t promise so make your mark today for the most important story of a man isn’t the one he tells but the one he leaves for others to tell of what they saw and heard with their own ears for him.

Quote: I am who I am for what I am shall determine where I am in the midst of learning, becoming, and mastering who I am.  ~D.Taylor

Twitter: @dtaylor0362

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Mens Message- Crippled


Good evening fellows,
Let me wish you guys a happy new year and I pray that it’s a prosperous one for year as well. Fellows tonight I wanted to hit you with something that I to have dealt as far as addressing an issue that was holding me back. I titled this message this week as crippled because so often fellows we cripple ourselves without realizing it. We have to be more aware of what we are doing  because crippling yourself also effects others who you may love as well as those who are looking up to you. A lot of time we put so much energy in to a reputation, an image were upholding, and other illegitimate things that actually hinder us from going to that next level. Just imagine your own child or a child who looks up to you watching your every move and all you’re doing is trying to maintain a label. Fellows we have to stop doing this and be honest with ourselves in who we are and what we trying to become. Set a goal to become someone that you don’t have to hide behind or that radiates negativity because your character is what defines you. Spend time with your brother and discover who he really is and what he stands for before you cast judgment or allow your tongue to speak on a situation that involved the individual in which you have no legitimate facts to support your statements or thoughts. When we do this we breed a vicious cycle that cripples someone else and perhaps yourself as well carrying that weight. I have said this before fellows and I’ll continue to say it we have to learn to carry each other and push each other to do better. Stop be so concerned about why another person is winning in life and moving forward but support it if it is positive and try to gain knowledge from it. We can all win together instead of crippling one another and become a force, a voice, a generation of pride and focus, instead of a generation in question!

Food for thought: My thoughts are wrapped in viciousness of the tainted images of our society. My soul battles the flesh with the pressures of society pressing against the skin of my flesh and weighing on my thoughts. My steps seem to be misguided by the voices of mans view of life and painted images of what I should be. But the truth lies in my ambition to become better, do better, and strive for Gods pleasure. For as much as the world pushes he allows me to lay it at his feet and walk in peace.

Ladies Message- Respecting One Another

Respecting One Another
I am blessed to have this opportunity to share with you again. Happy New Year! Today I would like to explore the feelings of disrespect we seem to have for each other as women. It seems we’re always on the defensive where other women are concerned. We tend to try to tear a sister down when she’s handling her business. We try to break up happy homes. Calling sisters less delightful names. What is it all about. Why such disrespect for each other? Could it be that we have no respect for ourselves, and are threatened by those who do?

And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you. Ephesians 4:32
 Are we so intimidated by another woman’s success that we have to bring her low. We all know that as women, we work hard and take lots of opposition from the world. I feel it’s pointless to fight among ourselves. When we do we lose something that we can never get back. Not just that, without respect for each other we can’t respect the men God bring into our lives. So then the cycle of disrespect continues.
Check this out. In the book of Ruth, for those of you who read your bibles. Ruth gave up everything to follow Naomi, her mother –in-law. She left everything she knew to go to a new land. She had to have respect for Naomi, and in turn Naomi had to have respect for her. Without that mutual respect, God would not have eventually given Ruth her Boaz. It took courage, compassion, and respect.
God wants to bless us, but we are standing against each other thereby standing in the way of those blessings. Why not use this new year as a turning point. When a sister is on her game, let her know. When a woman is holding down her family, let her know. Encourage that young mother who is doing all she can to raise the new generation. It can be as simple as telling the next chick you like her shoes, or she’s rocking that new hairdo. It’s about building one another in love. We have the power to rebuild the foundations of our lives. We have no time to waste. What will you do differently this new year? Will you contribute to the building of another sister? The time to decide is today.
Ladies, until next time, thanks for your time and the mutual respect. Oh yeah, keep rocking who you are, it looks good on you!